Quick Access
SuperSMITH 5.0 Weibull and Earlier
SuperSMITH 5.0 Visual and Earlier
SuperSMITH 5.0 YBath(TM) and Earlier
Features and Revision History
Complete interval maximum likelihood capability easily accessible
Expanded interval/probit analysis capability with Kaplan-Meier method and
clipboard probit data entry
Exclusive set comparison techniques with 1) modified likelihood ratio test, 2)
confidence bound comparison at B-value and 3) likelihood contours
Test planning with any number of allowed failures (less than test sample size),
life/reliability/confidence requirement testing or demonstration of improvement
Normal, Lognormal, Gumbel distributions added to Weibull in test requirements
Binomial(bi) as well as Fisher Matrix(fm) and
Likelihood Ratio(lr) and Pivotal Monte Carlo
confidence at any % for point-by-point data
Probit confidence and Greenwood`s confidence at any % for grouped data
Calculator functions - binomial, chi-squared, gamma, Poisson
Three parameter solution with either rank regression or maximum likelihood
Abernethy Risk w/ Abernethy Additional for occurrence forecasting
Probabilistic - Strength/Load, Life/Usage, and tail comparison for accelerated
Easy accelerated testing analysis - Parameter as function of engineering
variable (PFEV)
Six-Sigma metric display (Ppk, PPM, etc.) for
Weibull, Lognormal, Normal, and Gumbel distributions
Automated warranty data analysis using the probability plot models
Unlimited number of failures and suspensions using the frequency table format.
Expanded batch capability especially useful for network operation of software
Alternate Language capability (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German,
Italian, Swedish, Dutch, and 5 + more)
General and advanced scientific plotting
Curve fitting (new data set added with 101 points)
Crow/AMSAA reliabililty growth made easy
Crow/AMSAA forecasting (Fulton Risk)
Functions - data independent
Transforms - global edit of data based on functions
Display alternatives - XY plot (linear/log/Arrhenius), Bar chart, Pie Graph
Calculator functions for probability - binomial, chi-squared, gamma, Poisson
Cumulative Distribution (CDF), Hazard (HDF), Probability Density (PDF) and
Reliability (RDF) plotting from SuperSMITH(TM) Weibull file
Aggregate Cumulative Hazard (ACH) plotting from SuperSMITH(TM) Weibull file
Unlimited number of data using the frequency table format.
Expanded batch capability especially useful for network operation of software
Automated warranty data analysis using the Crow/AMSAA model
Unique mixture solutions for 4-parameter, 5-parameter, and 7-parameter models
to user-entered data
No requirement to `partition` the data beforehand
Regression and maximum likelihood estimate methods
Likelihood ratio strength of mixture solution indication
Charts highly customized for colors, fonts, symbols, and scales
Results such as actions, graphics, and notes stored for later review in a `Log`
Option to save Log window results as a rich text file
Our WeibullSMITH(TM) software for personal computers pioneered the way as
the first widely-used Weibull engineering program starting in the middle
1980`s. Then our SuperSMITH package, with WinSMITH(TM)
Weibull + WinSMITH Visual + WinSMITH
Ybath, took over as the most popular Weibull
Engineering program available. These three programs were then bundled into SuperSMITH(R).
SuperSMITH 6.0 is a major upgrade
from the previous 5.0DT, with improved user interface, program organization,
and added features.
SuperSMITH(R) 6.0 and Later Revision History
>>> For Earlier Versions (1.0 to 5.0), Scroll Down
6.0AK - 14 Jul 2023
(File Version
Abernethy Risk :
Added Event Probability to option B
. . . "Standard"
adds a unit when probability >0.5
. . . "Event
Probability" adds a unit when probability > 1
SSHelp: Updated version check
in Help/System File Check
YBath: Improved mixture
initial estimates, solution speed, pdf plots, parameters to clipboard
Add capability for
timed licenses. Can now view/change licenses with option W
on setup.
Created Student Version
via license key
Improved SSV for
startup data set manipulation
Several items added on calculator
Increased # occurrences
to 1,000,000 per data set
Add Units option on
test menu
Start pre-loading menus
with mouse move for faster menu displays
Improved label and icon
layout alignment
HDF (Hazard
Distribution Function) can now be on log-log scaling
Improved menu
navigation for arrow keys, Home/End/PgUp/PgDn
Alt Key menus can now
cycle with left/right arrows
Minor updates to
Weibull Dice form and message boxes
6.0AJ - 11 Jan 2023
(File Version
SSHelp: . . . Add version
check to Help/System File Check
SSHelp: . . . Updated menus
to match "look and feel" of main program
Add EULA to About
dialog box, updated FF Logo
<alt> keys now
turn off after 3 seconds of no action
6.0AI - Skipped
6.0AH - 14 Dec 2022
(File Version
SSHelp: Add 000 separator and
decimal separator to System File Check, Update Plots not in handbook
Fixed error with decimal/comma
for decimal separator in version number
Improved response for
file drag/drop on smithw.exe, or -H (Linger) in batch call
Set colors don't change
when new file is opened with existing data
AR (Abernethy Risk) set
Wauben Modified if in a batch call
Updated Curve Fit in
SSV (cubic, polynomial, etc)
6.0AG - 19 Nov 2022
(File Version
BatchOp - Duplicated batch
operation code from Sub-FylDin to Sub-FylDinSSW
Dice Icon - Special MC
- Menu item "F" made active again for MC type MPV
AR (Abernethy Risk) -
Removed leading and trailing spaces for variable sequence input
NRE (Nelson Recurrent
Events) - Added box around "Nelson" on plot
Set Delete - Removed
requirement to recalc for remaining data sets
BPR (Barringer Process
Reliability) - Deleted "Wilkins Modified" option
Update - Allow 1- and 2-line menu items if short list to avoid need to scroll
6.0AF - 2 Nov 2022
(File Version
* Marker Line logic
improved to see added line immediately
* Batch operation
speed improved
6.0AE - 20 Sep 2022
(File Version
* Commercial Release
(6.0AA-6.0AD were beta versions)
* Updated Sample
Menu - show parameter values, list options.
* Updated YBath estimates for faster solutions. Likelihood
ratio check for updated
. . . SSV report shows
corresponding axis info
* SSV Optimum
Replacement shows Optimum, Planned, and Unplanned
* Optimum
Replacement Value plot now includes planned and unplanned costs.
* Monte Carlo Sample
from Sample updated for Interval MLE and print to file
* On Screen Keyboard
icon added on main input menus
* Updated User
display options and allow user to save 2 configurations
* Weibull Dice
updated for languages and saving data when exiting.
* Data paste from
clipboard defaults to next set.
* Updated Abernethy
Risk and Optimum Replacement headers.
* Larger menu
symbols in Weibull Library.
* Updated number
menu for data input symbols
* Hide Form2 during
batch processing.
6.0AD - 24 Jun 2022
(File Version
* Added click menus
on tab labels when small icons showing
* Add setup items to
switch between Touch and Device (mouse) quickly
* Changed default to
small icons (not Big Touch screen)
* pAD now indicates "---", not "0.100"
when Suspensions
* Reduced menu
* Improved Batch
6.0AC - 06 May 2022
(File Version
* Added Filipino,
Romanian Language
* Added <alt>
menu so most actions can be done with keyboard
. . . See First
Time User for details
* Reduced messagebox size
* Updates to Windows
Batch functions
* Updated
Print/Export Menu
* Add space on menu
so Touch/Drag can highlight choice
* Large Tool-tips when small icon is active
* Updated Rank Table
output for better alignment
* Help program updated
for start-up
6.0AB - 11 Apr 2022
(File Version
* Added White on
Blue Menu highlights with mouse movement
* <Enter> on
main form will do Monte Carlo, even if Monte Carlo is not on the visible tab
* Options on Setup,
Main Display Options
- Big/Small icons
- Select tab with
- Data grid edit Keyboard/Menu
- Windows OSK (On
Screen Keyboard) for text editing
- Menu bar size
Normal or 1 line
- Options on Big
Plot (Was on Setup menu)
- Show Y value on
Data grid (Was on Setup menu)
* Reviewed Font
names/sizes, Aligned font on main tabs.
* Results window can
be resized
* Updated yellow
highlight feature
* Changed default
start to full screen. (Change in Setup, Start/Lock)
* Common File
Open/Close Routine
* Updated Monte
Carlo Parameter selection for mixtures
* Improved
Likelihood Contours
6.0AA - 31 Dec 2021
(File Version
* This is a major
upgrade which includes:
* Overall Program:
* Improved
touch-screen usage with common large icon interface and large scroll bars
- Menu scrolling
with mouse wheel, touch/drag, or arrow keys
* Number input
includes on-screen number pad
* Integration of
into one core program.
* Menu forms
remember last screen and location
* Updated Playtime
with new cases
* Software
* New Missing Data
* New Library
* New Logbook to
store notes and results
* New Report Form
for tables of data output, rather than overwriting plot.
* Improved MLE t0
* New Path of
Steepest Ascent algorithm for Mixture analysis
* New Inspect Option
#1 for Mixture Analysis
* Improved Mixture
analysis/choices in SSW
* Combine data sets
for overall reliability
* Updated r^2
calculation for Weibayes plots
* SuperSMITH Key for Full/Demo/Student use.
* Special Instructor
features for class use.
* Increased points
for contour plots
* Help file shows
current screen resolution
* Plotting: Common
plot layout in all 3 programs
SuperSMITH(R) 5.0 and Earlier Revision
(for SSV and SSY, Scroll Down Further):
SuperSMITH 5.0 Visual and Earlier
SuperSMITH 5.0 YBath(TM) and Earlier
- 23 Dec 2021 (File Version
Abernethy Risk: Risk Analysis Types "Standard" & "RBA1
Occurrence" now close for single installation equipment [Propst, B.]
- 28 Oct 2021 (File Version
Expanded 'Insp1' solution for rr Weibayes
[T. Marquart]
FILE: Updated large Icons, added Screen Resolution, Windows 11 detection
- 04 May 2021 (File Version
Y-AXIS: Transposing for Side-By-Side label senses all colors in font
BETA: Revised code to account for unsolved slope (=0) [Marquart]
WITH UNSOLVED DATA SETS: Improved labels on SSV plot [Marquart]
FILE: Updated Large Icons
Improved Language dropdown
- 12 Oct 2020 (File Version
Analysis: Added "3P=NO For Discovery Data" for Weibull 3P with
Discovery in data set
Menu: Show Option "P..." as comment only (no "P") if method
<> lr
Program: Added YB_Math module for virus tolerance
files in subroutine rather than separate files
FILE: Added Acronym list to help file
FILE: Large Icon format for tablets
FILE: <Shift><F3> to find previous item on page
FILE: Font Size now applies to Help text as well as directory tree
-25 May 2020 (File Version
Choices: Expanded/Improved selection
Language options to SuperSMTH(R) Dice
File: Added file Size to in System File Check
Modification to address "Invalid Line in Setup Information File" on
certain computer configurations.
- Skipped
-06 Apr 2020 (File Version
of Language Files
- 30 Mar 2020 (File Version
Improved curve placement for Gumbel Upper using fm confidence
Solution: Now handles up to 32000 degrees of freedom, esp. for Abernethy Risk
(R. Schop)
Program: Added SuperSMITH(R) Dice access
- 20 Jan 2020 (File Version
Setup Delay: Removed beginning delay for printer access
Analysis: Only asks to change to 'optimum' if large data set
Input: Limited mle unbiasing method to appropriate
for specified model
File: Renamed "Product Information" to "Product Information
& Benchmarking"
File: Added list format to the Benchmarking Section
File: Added SW version verification notes in Benchmarking Section
- 07 Oct 2019 (File Version
Plot: Made input change icon more robust for new changes selected in menu
Point Quantity Merge: Changed logic for better use of absolute value (A. Jochimczyk)
Activated menu item H for current equations
Analysis: Clarified likelihood results
File: Renamed "File" menu item to "Home"
File: Added Home/System Files Check menu item to check system files
File: Added Home/Find SS Files menu item to search for program and data directories
File: Modified Search so words like "probit" will show
definitions/icons before the flow chart
- 21 Jan 2019 (File Version
Detect: Added option to change detect % (R. Schop)
Update Improved: Ref: SAE Class 11 DEC 2018
'Ssmple / Special Data Sets: Changed AIAG menu item letters
from A-F to R-W
Comparison: LR Test improved for Normal and LogNormal
Screen and About: Changed "LLC" to "(TM)" and added new
logo image
- Skipped for disambiguation
- 24 Aug 2018 (File Version
Menu: Bypassed compiler issue with error checking routine
Menu: Improved logic for menu interaction
Weibull: Removed nuisance message about special curve type
Distribution abbreviation improved for Gumbel
- 05 JUN 2018 (File Version
Menus: Matched cursor with highlight
Menus: Replaced checkboxes with asterisks for future larger formatting
Mouse-Button: De-activated exit question
Entry Box: Increased size in preparation for new bigger icons, etc.
Likelihood Plot: Added solution parameter values if only one data set
Likelihood Plot: Reinstated function of Exit icon
Uncertainty: Improved consistency of lower bound adjustment
Risk: Planned Suspension calculation improved: (R. Unkle
& colleague)
/ Sample: Limited display for input parameters to active model
Analysis: 3P Weibull change to 2P Weibull clears all t0
- 7 APR 2018 (File Version
Screen: Improved language translation
Added "Paste" icon for DEMO to FULL Special Name input
Removed Change From Full To DEMO
Results: Added unique file names to avoid filename "collision"
Added new words for About / Opening screen
Risk: Mixture model input improved for accuracy
Added flags for XI% display and TL$ display
Made XI% and TL$ available only with unlocking password in DEMO
Modified allowable test planning inputs
Modified optimum replacement inputs
mle: Re-instated solution for occurrences only
Display: Added "prr%" option for Fit
Comparison + Display
--03 MAR 2018 (File Version
Added "H...Gaussian (Normal)" option
Changed subroutines starting "wpgage", etc.
to "ParamBoxSSW_P", etc.
Identification on Plot: Added to on-plot zoom capability (per T. Marquart)
Added plotting indication in header for large slow-loading data sets
version: idemodatareal% changed to idemodatachange%
version: Data altering includes input Y-Values
Checking: Added to routines accessed with Form2.Picture1 (the plot)
Results: Assigned top of image as first location of main results
Added "Home" to translatable words
Save Parameter Only To Clipboard enhanced to add
Marker Line values
Save Parameter Only To Clipboard added to Visual for
Crow/AMSAA values
Added 'Wilkins Modified' type
Added option for TL$ on plot
Added message to delete Single Set Confidence Only for contour test
Expanded maximum quantity of data sets to 16 (per T. Marquart)
of Fit for AD: Clarified low value display
'mle-Interval Solution: Improved
starting point and final results (per T. Marquart)
'mle Modified Solution: Added RBAjjm solution (per Juanjo Mindeguia)
Special Simulation: Added RBAjjm method
Special Simulation: Improved display of pAD% for
Replacement / Abernethy Risk: Added menu item "K...No
Modified Options..."
Added method type Find Better Fit [FBF] vs. Precise Sample
Restored and clarified Sample-From-Sample capability
- Wang Additional Time: Corrected result to reflect actual experience (per R. Unkle)
Format Input: Revised import for easier handling of all data arrangements
-- 07 AUG 2017 (File Version
from text to value: Improved robustness for very large number entry
Clarified entries for French and German
Fixed issue with disappearing point sequence #'s in data grid
Removed some "compound" words, & replaced with individual words
Points: Improved retention of points in file
Data Import: Clarified menu choices for input format
Monte Carlo Simulation: Clarified Type descriptions
Probability Plot: Changed "S...Suspension
Histogram" to "Y..."
Probability Plot: Added "S...Set Comparison"
Drop-Down Menu: Added " / Comparison" to "Confidence"
Import: Added capability for 2-Column input of Value and F/S
Replacement: Added option to include time value of money
Comparison: Added icon for this above Calculator and Confidence menus
Merge with Confidence: No set merge without removal of confidence first
file: Icon Map link for Fulton Risk (SSV) was pointing to Abernethy Risk (SSW)
-- 21 APR 2017 (File Version
Box: Changed background color of "Yes, I agree..." section to yellow
to match
Label: Turned off for results display
Processing: Improved translation for Abernethy Risk output
Words: Added "Execution" (Performance) and "Main" to
associated LANGFILES
Explicit: All code now invokes Option Explicit
Label Edit: Removed label selection issue with extra labels selected
Number Display: For #'s between 0.1 and 1.0, reduced to 4 sig figures (was 7)
Box: Clarified messages
Clarified menu items F and H
Hide set feature enhanced to add all yes or all no selections
1-Click: Added XI% output option
Exit: Option N reinstates original plot style upon exit
for zero slope: Clarified message for all distributions
For Weibayes, only applicable methods rr and mle allowed (no rrs, no RBA)
Removed issue with RBAmd adjustment for regression
(per J. Sharp)
Requirements: Added consideration of tzero time shift
(per R. Unkle)
Requirements: Added check for excessively large Beta value
Menu: Changed LFAIL option letter from "L" to "F"
Menu: Added option "L...Parameter Start
Removed option for 1:1 scaling except for Weibull model
-- 09 FEB 2017 (File Version
width: increased width of menu due to truncated display on some machines
Entry: Clarified increment description
Slider: Now interfaces with Big Inforation Display
text box
Menu: Added "Standard" to "[rr]"
for Method For t0 menu item
Menu: Selection of "N...None" also resets
search method to rr
Removed nuisance message for LR confidence
Analysis: No longer uses pAD% for model selection
Option #1: Removed percent sign from label
Comparison: Clarified error message when dimension not enough for LR test
-- 06 JAN 2017 (File Version
Import: Data quantity set to zero (deleted) when input quantity is zero (per
Alfred Jochimczyk)
Point Addition: Removed nuisance appearance of first point during addition
Likelihood Plot: Removed restriction for showing tooltip for Input Change icon
Risk: Improved robustness for Option Z fit with partial suspensions considered
Select: Can select Equation/Method box to get equation change
Select: Can select Equation/Method box to get method/input change
Menu: Added "...Input For Value Only Text
Menu: Added "...Value Only Text Output to Clipboard"
Operation: Added [nxxxx] option for clipboard output
-- 24 OCT 2016 (File Version
Option Boxes: Removed possibility of lingering images upon plot selection
Menu: Added menu item for Change DEMO to FULL
Risk: Improved robustness for Option Z fit with partial suspensions considered
-- 11 SEP 2016 (File Version
Help file load routine to display help faster.
the silent install to suppress dialog boxes and status bars.
`FileName: Eliminated possibility of change of default data
filename to function filename
Testing: Added flag to .w file for confidence active
or not
Added "OK" icon for Select Process Reliability Point / Change Point On Plot
Improved likelihood ratio assurance calculation for lower percentages
Recalc: Improved robustness for Gumbel and Normal
point deletion
Contour: Removed prompt for single or double (always double now)
Added "Automatic" selection (pve% for
regression / pAD% for mle)
Clarified display of goodness of fit in report
`MouseWheel: 3-D Plot polarity changed for left side to
match arrow buttons
Removed nuisance Y-axis lines for extreme zoom
Resets Sample Type now from Sample-To-Sample to Monte Carlo after "New ...
Clear Data"
--15 JUL 2016 (File Version
Nelson Recurrent Events, Crow-AMSAA, and Kaplan-Meier to Models in Help file
note on ASTM C1239 to Methods in Help file
graphs and tables for Normal and LogNormal in Methods
in Help file
Save: Restriction added to prevent Visual overwriting Weibull file
Save: Restriction added to prevent Weibull overwriting Visual file
Menu: Added icon in HELP group for About
Menu: Consolidated menu items from 7 to 4 compatible with icon quantity
Translation: Created separate module for language options (SMITH_5L.BAS)
Translation: Created Function-fs_LangLogic(smessage) in SMITH_5L.BAS
Edit Buttons: Enlarged and consolidated for easier touch operation
Icon on Large Plot: Added to improve accessibility
Sets: Undo available immediately after merge
Sets: Point labels retained
Display: Improved display on plot and report
Added Label/Style Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Added Output/Export Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Added Okay/Exit Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Display of Suspensions and Discoveries expanded to include on bottom scale
Improved H... Hide/Display of points
Icon: Changed image to reflect more modern laptop computer
Menu: Added item "W...Display Options ... On Big
Library: Defaults to file name different than data file
Menu: Changed "G..." item to "W...Display
Options ... On Big Plot"
Added size-changing box to indicate zoom
Plot: Increased locations within user interface for access
Risk: Added icon for Automatic Total Reset
Risk: Removed hang issue with Outside Interaction Correction
Added option to show parameter confidence limits on plot
Improved lr solution for negative data (Normal +
Contour: Mitigated use of letter "X" in file (contour titles)
Icon: Added Sample-From-Sample to Sample Type for one or more sets
Added `Parameter Change To Present Plot Results`
Option (D. Keisic)
Changed lognormal parameter `MuAL` to `Med` for
Replacement: Added icon for Automatic Total Reset
Display: Improved automatic change for usage of negative data value
--26 JAN 2016 (File Version
of ActiveX controls
Setup1.exe file for administrators to run a quiet install
File Version number to the file properties (
Help section on "Technical Notes" for Administrators
Buttons: Enlarged for easier touch operation
Grid: Midsize button enlarged for easier touch operation
Results: Expanded from 4 maximum to 20 maximum
Results: Removed plot title from file name for retrieval
Menu: Changed "L...Information Display (Big /
Small)" to item "K..."
Menu: Added item K, "Information Display (Big / Small)"
Exit Button: Updated display of button name for mouse
Enlarged Icons for Output Display Choice On Big Plot
Plot: Enabled finger swipe (mouse click-drag) capability for figure rotation
Additional Probability Plot: Icon added to Plot/Report menu
Goodness-of-Fit Description: Changed "Bad" to "Small"
Goodness-of-Fit Description: Changed "Very Bad" to "Very Small"
Goodness-of-Fit Description: Changed "Good" to "Big"
Goodness-of-Fit Description: Changed "Very Good" to "Very Big"
-- 14 DEC 2015
Library: Changed menu item letter for "Clear Clipboard"
Option 1: Improved conversion from Standard Point-By-Point
Added "1...Point-By-Point Inspect1 ..." menu item to "Fit Method..."
-- 03 DEC 2015
Improved plotting of confidence bounds with 3-parameter when Scale-As-Recorded
Change: Sub chkdecimal moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to
Change: Sub fylprodrateout moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to
Change: Sub fylprodrateout1 moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to SMITH_4A.BAS
Change: Sub fylusagerateout moved from SMITH_1A.BAS
Change: Sub fylusagerateout1 moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to SMITH_4A.BAS
Check: Changed so that "\\" on the front of a path is okay (for
server locations)
Layout: Removed option for old icon layout in Setup section
Above Tabs: Added for clarity
`Mouse Wheel: Capability added for data grid (by
Carl Tarum)
`Mouse Wheel: Capability added for number input
box (by Carl Tarum)
Icon: Added to large plot display
nuisance display of the word "Select"
Risk: Improved forecast with Planned Suspensions
Test / Step Load: Added item "K...Random # Start
Lock ... "
Menu: Changed item "V...Random # Start Lock ...
" to item "K..."
Conversion: Improved transform from Kaplan-Meier to Inspect Option #1
Improved storage/retrieval of data file
Test: Improved with new routines to enhance accuracy
New parameter box option for `n/s`(`o/s`) display with B- or X- or RC-Values
Added RBAmd, RBApb, RBAmu, and mleN-1 methods to Model Parameter Value
Changed Interaction counter to LONG type
Form header now displays Interaction counter value at intervals
Improved MC sample generation for mixtures with suspensions
--- 2 MAY 2015
Resolution: Changed obvious screen resolution variables from INT to LONG type
Calc: Changed calculation variables from INT to LONG type
Precision to Single: Mitigated VB6 Csng() hang issue for value 2
Line: Revived implementation for existing fit
Removed nuisance shut-down when downsizing at minimum
& Optimum-Replacement: Fixed table display where there was no space between
- 17 APR 2015
Display: Removed error display issue with number display format (per A. Jochimczyk)
Disconnected X-Value zoom from Y-Value zoom (per D. Keisic)
Added icon for X-Range + Y-Range Lock on regular large plot display (per D. Keisic)
Menu: Added option to display Zoom icon added above (Yes/No)
Menu: Added icon for X-Range + Y-Range Lock
Likelihood Plot: Added icon to menus with Z...3D Likelihood Plot option
Added Z...3D Likelihood Plot to menu options
Changed parameter entry to expand input options
Menu reorganized for better mixture options
- 26 Mar 2015
Menus: Exit now restarts originating menu to re-display option boxes
Display Menu: Added option for Label Pointer Line Maximuize
Box: # display agrees better with requested accuracy (per A. Jochimczyk)
Tabs: Enhanced Display
Clarified Plot/Report icon and tab cursor-movement messages
- 19 Jan 2015
grid: Removed grid moving when button-menu selected
Box: Improved number display (Alfred Jochimczyk)
Box: New option to show Fit Comparison with Display of B-value, X-value, or
RC-value (Alfred Jochimczyk)
`mle-Interval Solution: Adjusted step-to-step change ratio
to improve solution (Takushi Kitano)
`mle-Interval Solution: Improved for lognormal, when initial
SigF ("beta#") is too low
Added "T..." option to menu for tracking solution path
Removed non-relevant "-9E+30" text line from Marker Line report
- 19 Jan 2015
grid: Removed grid moving when button-menu selected
Box: Improved number display (Alfred Jochimczyk)
Box: New option to show Fit Comparison with Display of B-value, X-value, or
RC-value (Alfred Jochimczyk)
`mle-Interval Solution: Adjusted step-to-step change ratio
to improve solution (Takushi Kitano)
`mle-Interval Solution: Improved for lognormal, when initial
SigF ("beta#") is too low
Added "T..." option to menu for tracking solution path
Removed non-relevant "-9E+30" text line from Marker Line report
- 09 Dec 2014
Layout: Moved HELP... and ADDITIONAL... icons left to match SSY
Color: Changed to match SSY
Added "Slide-Select" for improved touch-screen operation
Labels: Contour plot no longer changes lowercase "x" to uppercase
Menu: Changed "Automatic Reset" menu item to "Automatic Total Reset"
Menu: Added icon for "Automatic Total Reset"
Menu / Add Data On Plot: <Esc> or (X) returns
immediately to Zoom menu
Re-instated "Exit" icon for change point edit
on plot
Added [Chi^2(2D)]/2D where "D" (or "N") = degrees of
Expanded menu items for improved output choices
Label: Added "3" on end when using Lognormal 3-parameter
Limit Comparison: Rearranged menu for future addition of Cpk
ln likelihood display for Reduced Bias Adjustment (RBA) now matches with
Precise Reading
Select: Changed "Y...Weibayes" to
Select: Added "Y...Ybath(TM)"
Over Results Box: Enlarged vertically + added highlight for active selection
Restored "X" box on plot for exit for menu options "C" and
Program Setup1 now checks and uninstalls prior installation
Program Setup1 now will prompt to copy data files
- 14 May 2014
Added "lock-out" messages for other options when BPR is active
Clarified plot display options for both BPR% and Eff%
Settings for plot persist upon exit from BPR menu when "Plot Format For Exit = BPR"
Wizard: Restored complete operation of Edit Special
Carlo Confidence: Consolidated trial quantity input between SSW and SSV
Carlo Seeds: Converted to 4 seed numbers and re-activated seed setting
Menu item "Q...B-Value[%] Select" changed to
"Q...List Select For Report"
Reading: Added option "P...Marker Point On Plot
For B-Value Or X-Value"
In option E, added Marker Point At B-Value and Marker Point At X-Value
`Made Revision History a main topic on help file
- 25 Mar 2014
Edit: Added icon on plot for Label / Style edit
Results: Added capability to overlay with Active Results
Risk: Improved forecast for Planned Replacement w/ 100% Occurrence Correction
(for George Guarassi)
Risk: Improved forecast for Planned Suspension w/ small failure probability
(for George Guarassi)
For 1-Click Analysis: Added Option "P...BPR
Parameter On Plot = Eff% or pve%"
Added menu item "R...Range For Linear Scale Zoom
Reading: Added menu item "0...Back To Parameter
Select" to 2nd Menu
- 20 Jan 2014
Grid: Point label editing is now allowed when Y-Value Display is active
- 02 JAN 2014
routine: Nuisance Iteration messages removed
Special: Changed sub-menu item D . . . to sub-menu item F . . .
Comparison: Improved LR test results display with some data sets hidden (hidden
= not considered)
- 04 Dec 2013
reading: qtyoccrinput#() redimensioned to at least 25
Option 1: Corrected occurrence quantity for sets after a deleted set (per A. Jochimczyk)
- Skipped for clarity in version numbering
- 04 Nov 2013
Sensitivity: Added Eta value display in results (per Jose Wilkins)
Sensitivity: Added "Add Line On Plot" button
to slider form
1-Click: Removed option "L" nameplate line fitting unless batch
processing (per Jose Wilkins)
Pop-up message added when bringing SSV file into SSW
Option 1: Locked out only one occurrence grid entry (per Ronald Schop)
Return: Improved plot return after adding marker points or data points
- 03 Sep 2013
ccc in best practice guide to PVE above 10%
Name: Changed "ybath.exe" to "smithy.exe"
MLE: Improved `discovery` sequence positioning (Todd Marquart)
3 Grouped Data: Decreasing sample size now okay
Added clearer wording for goodness-of-fit measure (pve%
and pAD%)
Comparison: Clarified contour plot title for one occurrence in data set (John
Smith III)
Comparison: Added clearer wording for amount of difference (pff-value)
Usage Rate Input: Now allows "..." symbol for input
Scale Type: Added parts for each 1000 ("/K") for occurrence and
reliability (Dennis Keisic)
from SSW: Improved cancel of search for output file
SmithHlp compatibility for Microsoft kb 187553
- 22 July 2013
Run (-7 switch): Removed former B-values used from current call
of Fit: Changed Modified Anderson-Darling abbreviation from "pA%" to "pAD%"
Risk: Added capability for hand entry of mixture solution
Step Load: Added type of fit method selected to output display
Step Load: Added to menu H...Weibull Fit for method
Step Load: Added to menu Y...View/Save XY Data or
Search in help file (Jumps to found text on page)
topic now expands with single click
Help Index
- 13 Jun 2013
Access: Can input `.W` or `.V` file without extension
Processing: Added -6... switch for B-values(X-values,RC-values) on plot
Processing: Added -7... switch for B-values(No
X-values, No RC-values) in report
Processing: Added -8N and -8P switches for whether negative values are allowed
Processing: Removed alphanumeric letter options A,B,C,W
for -iX switch
Processing: Added alphanumeric letter options A,B,C,W
to new -jX switch
Input: Now allows input of ">0<#" input for a discovery
(converts to discovery)
- 23 Feb 2013
YBath compatibility
- 22 Feb 2013
file: New algorithm improves speed. Fixed non-US
functionality issues.
- 22 Jan 2013
Reinstated fit line and marker line tracking when files are merged (for Paul
Removed cause of nuisance subscript message (for Juanjo Mindeguia)
[BATCH] Detect: Changed threshold for Comparison #3 from 90% to 60% (For Ronald
[BATCH] Detect: Changed wording of `Results` to `Estimate` (for Ronald Schop)
[BATCH] Detect: Removed automatic beginning BATCH check for every data set
Improved Planned Suspension for large removal quantities
Renewal + Planned-Suspension allowed at same time (for Claudio Ligorio)
Requirements: Probability Of Acceptable Results more
robust for large `r` ratio
Can enter own acronym for expected occurrence interval (for Larry Tyson)
Improved robustness of Eta, Beta, t0, and Mtbf naming
`SSHelp program updated for other regions
- 30 Nov 2012
Data Order Caution: Moved menu item from Start Lock Options to Setup Menu
PROCESSING: Reinstated -zX1_X2_Y1_Y2 zoom set functionality
Risk: Now bypasses additional replacement when planned replacement is active
Risk: Increased robustness of warranty limit calculation to allow zero aging
Processing: Added -4x switch for Plotting Position Type (rr,
br, mr, hr,
nr, kr)
Processing: Added -5x switch for Data Display Type (n/s, o/s)
Process Reliability (BPR): Upgraded Zoom option F and removed Zoom option G
Label Box: Added designation of "Y-Value" when Y-Value display
Distribution: Clarified error message for meaning of Negative Value
Added more option boxes for menu items
Improved import of step-stress sequence
Locked out alternate solution for B-Value
Requirements: Streamlined input/output code
Requirements: Put Test Type into Menu heading
file now attempts to display damaged help file instead of stopping.
- 20 Sep 2012
Label Edit: Removed possibility for "Label 0" edit
Grid Display: Added option to show/hide Y-Values for Weibull program in Setup
Display: Probability scale label text now does not change if importing SSV file
Requirements: Re-instated solution for finding test item quantity given time
and reliability
- 13 Sep 2012
Changed name from "Default" to "Default English [American]"
Label Characters: ",", "X", and space " " are now
decoded from temporary file save
Risk: Added "Now" to Present Risk terminology
Risk: Improved Robustness for extremely large suspension values
Load: Automatic recalculate activated for non-FF files
Added option to hide when using regression for Weibayes-type solution
Added "O" in front of fit label if correlation is only for linear
data trend on scaling
Save: Improved robustness
Solution: Added logic in derivative estimation to improve robustness
Label Characters: The ",", the "X", and the space "
" are now coded for temporary file save
Requirements: Improved additional usage section ("Fulton" and
Added "O" in front of fit label if correlation is only for linear
data trend on scaling
Menu: Added menu option "G..." function to menu option
"F..." (Removed option "G")
- 5 MAY 2012
File: New comprehensive HELP released for 5.0BX version
File: Changed name of "Flow Chart" to "Best Practices Guide"
File: Easier SSW and SSV access to Best Practices Guide (Analysis Wizard - Flow
Risk: Reinstated ability to choose pre-set usage rate options (D, H, M, Y)
Added point label option to view point as point value
instead of symbol
(Abernethy): Changed number separator (delimiter) from "," to
";" for easier use in Europe (per R. Schop)
- 21 Apr 2012
Added chi2choose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Added chi2CDFchoose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Added chi2DOFchoose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Menu: Changed "S...Single Set..." to
"I...Single Set..."
Menu: Added "S...Set Comparison / Difference
Improved output for Data List To Clipboard
Input: Improved automatic report analysis of multiple data sets
Results: Green checkmark now activates
(MC): Added information about decreasing error to output
SSW: Automated recalculation for new method selection
SSW Batch Indication: Removed adjustment to mle slope
Comparison: Added more "Additional" information in report
Start-Lock: Moved menu items "G", "H", and "L"
inside Zoom / Hide Options item
`Three-Parameter (t0): Added start-lock for scale type (AR / NAR)
in Setup
5.0BW - 7 Apr 2012
`Data Import: Improved import of text files
`File Input: Added automatic report analysis of multiple data sets
(per Todd Marquart)
`Goodness-Of-Fit: Anderson-Darling pA%
added to report for mle (when active)
`Method/Input: Reinstated `Inspect Option 1` method to remain
selected after initial choice
5.0BV - 15 Mar 2012
`API: Eliminated only API call ... per Carl Tarum
`File Save: Added filename to data in file (helps with Former
Results) ... fylflpnamelasts$, fylflnamelasts$
`Main Screen: Improved transition from Maximized to Normal
`Zoom: Added arrow buttons for X-Range And Y-Range Lock: Select On Plot (requested by T. Marquart)
`Zoom: Added reset-to-automatic button for X-Range And Y-Range
Lock: Select On Plot
`Big Occurrence Sets: Replaced slow calculation loop with faster
`no-loop` algorithm
`Big Occurrence Sets: Automatic change to Inspect1 method
`Calculator/Remaining-Life: Added measuring `units` label to
input/output items in menu
Activated item V...View Interaction Plot With SSV
Enhanced item V to show PDF limits (when limited)
`Confidence Menu: Changed "Special Confidence Curve" to
"Confidence Special Curve"
`Confidence Menu: Improved dialogue box terminology
`Likelihood Ratio: Contours and LR Test locked out when
3-parameter (t0) is active
`Risk: Increased detail of `units` description for Abernethy
Additional output
5.0BU - 23 Dec 2011
`Warranty Import: Modified data paste import algorithm to allow
all zeroes in top row
`Warranty Import: Modified data file import algorithm to ignore
labels in top row
`Weibayes Calculation: Reverted to allowing confidence for single
occurrence data sets
5.0BT - 13 Dec 2011
`Abernethy Risk: Improved result after deletion of Planned
`Chi-Squared Function: Improved accuracy with routines by Carl Tarum
5.0BS - Skipped
5.0BR - 30 Nov 2011
`Abernethy Risk: Time adjustment for warranty limit with output
intervals less than months (per R. Schop)
`Test Planning: Clarified Test Requirement menu wording for items
D and E
`Three Parameter Weibull: Restriction added for t0 solution with
discovery-type data values
`Weibayes Eta: Removed conficting option for mmle
(requested by N. Mihaylov)
5.0BQ - 25 Oct 2011
`Abernethy Risk: Improved extended range calculation for Planned
Suspensions [req. by Charlie Bonnen]
`Automatic Data Files Load: Removed to avoid nuisance error
message [Carl Tarum]
`PFEV Common Slope: Improved clarity of output for sparse data
`Probability Plot: Changed display of interval data when multiple
[req. by Todd Marquart]
`Quality Limit Comparison (6-Sigma): Improved output for Cpk values up to 2.75 [req. by Dennis Keisic]
5.0BP - 15 Oct 2011
`Abernethy Risk: Improved results for 100% Occurrence Correction
`Demonstrate/Sample: Added type I suspension capability for single
set simulation
`HELP File Access: <F1> key accesses custom HELP file
`HELP File Search: "Eta" and "Beta" and other
distribution parameters added
`Information Display: "Big" information display expanded and readability improved
`Message For No Tools: Clarified
explanation for no Tools availability in special circumstances
`Network Operation: Improved installation plus file
storage/retrieval on network drives
`PFEV: Extrapolation allowed for S/N Curve
`Special Characters - Not For Text: `{`
and `}` characters reserved for batch processing
`Weibayes Beta Same Each Set: Improved Robustness
`Weibayes Eta (for all distributions): Removed confidence
calculation from pure mle solution
`Weibull Library: Added option for Failure Mechanism causes per
Dan Daley
5.0BN - 1 Jul 2011
`Abernethy Risk: Removed input data adjustment ... 3-parameter
results improved [for FAA]
`Abernethy Risk: Removed RBA adjustment for grouped data (overestimates
present risk)
`BPR: New Option "L" automatically fits Nameplate Line
through any % point
5.0BM - 28 Jun 2011
`Softcopy Total Report (and standard Report): Tab lineup improved
`Data Grid: Improved Data Wizard selection range
`MLE Solution: Improved robustness for interval mle
5.0BL - 1 Jun 2011
`Zoom/Point Symbol Display: Added `Slow Point Display` option to
`Batch Detection: Simplified 3rd (automatic) test to a non-parametric
`MLE Solution: Restored a former solution process for more robust
5.0BK - Intermediate version - not generally released
5.0BJ - Intermediate version - not generally released
5.0BI - 22 Jan 2011
Label Edit: Label-only filename saved to configuration file
Plot: Point colors can now be assigned according to point label
Plot: Point symbol rendering adjusted for stronger outlines
Plot / Report / Table Tabs: Added A...Activate
Plot (or Report) to menu
Warranty: Expanded alternate orientations (MOP-MIS, MIS-MOP,
Warranty: Improved import of data with blanks
Additional SuperSMITH(TM): Added (for 1 data set or more) V...View Additional
Probability Plot ...
Batch Detect: Added comparison #3 with likelihood ratio
Data Input: Clarified data entry type descriptions
Plot Display: Set label, n/s still shown when no analysis possible
(1 occr w/ rr, etc.)(Marquart)
Weibayes Icon Menu: Defaults to 63.21206% confidence when no
5.0BH - 24 Nov 2010
Label File: Separated from retention of data file name
Plot/Report/Table menu: Clarified options
Quality Limit Comparison: Now has option for cPk
as well as PPM
Report Tab (top of results box): Now accesses Plot/Report/Table menu
Abernethy Risk: Coordinated all variable sequence input menus
Abernethy Risk: Improved correlation between different output
Abernethy Risk Menu: Clarified analysis units
Abernethy Risk: Calibrated present risk with/without future
planned replacement
Test Planning: Extended to non-life situations (e.g.
tests for sufficient elec. current per German Mojica, Aerocivil)
Three-parameter (t0) Solution: Added double precision for improved
Three-parameter (t0) Solution: Clarified input menu and selections
Weibayes Confidence for Zero Failures: Nominal estimate changed to
median estimate
5.0BG - 9 Oct 2010
DEMO: Input data alteration magnified
DEMO: Only one program needs to unlocked
for all to be unlocked
Data Grid: Synchronized display of selected data points
before/after screen re-size
Menus: Highlighted selected menu option box choices with capital
Precise Reading: Expanded capability to read from marker lines
Abernethy Risk: Re-organized output display to make results
clearer and more consistent
Abernethy Risk: Improved calculation for Scheduled (`hard`) Replacement
Abernethy Risk: Now tolerant to negative value entry for
Production and Planned Suspension
Abernethy Risk: Improved risk solution for Weibull 3-parameter
Abernethy Risk: Improved designation of time for 60 year forecast plot
Auto load: Improved automatic program start
and file load for selection just from file list
PFEV Accel. Testing: Solution more robust for extraploation
to New Variable Value
PFEV Accel. Testing: Reduced bias solution improved for Lognormal,
Normal, and Gumble models
t0 Solution: Removed possibility for mle
solution for t0 when using rr fit method
5.0BF - 2 Aug 2010
Zoom: Added a menu selection for X-Axis value standard scientific
format (1E+6) or (1000000)
Zoom: Moved items (Suspension + Discovery ..., Plot Side Symbol
...) to Point Symbol Display menu
Label/Style Edit: Added Line Edit Icon (Next To
Symbol Edit Icon)
Accelerated Testing: Made it easier to change between rr and mle solution types
Confidence Menu: Clarified both Fit Method and Fit Comparison entries
Confidence: Removed nuisance message for Assurance calculation
Confidence: Removed unecessary
re-calculation for pv Monte Carlo confidence
Method/Input: Added menu item V...Value
Start [VS] Input For Parameter [mle Only]
Plot: Removed indication of "No (/ Select)" for
confidence if no confidence selected
Report: Clarified indication of solution parameters
- 10 Jul 2010
Curves now smooth for auxiliary plots (LR Contours, Abernethy Risk, &
Optimum Replacement)
Name Reset: Auto program launch resets filename
Improved robustness of display for very small samples
Name: Removed file name retension if sample data is activated
Menu: Clarified partial % affected (BATCH) Y-Scale selection
Size: Restricted to fit closer to data (w/ and w/o suspensions)
Requirement Menu (Initial): Clicking on checkmark now goes to standard menu
(Equation Menu): Expanded to Weibull 3P and Lognormal distributions
(Line Intersection): More robust for Gumbel distribution
5.0BD - 7 Jun 2010
Labels: Improved high-resolution aspect ratio of label boxes for
first file load
Menus: Removed appearance of selection boxes after selection is
Abernethy Risk: Clarified the terminology used for the menu selections
Abernethy Risk: Added 100% Occurrence Correction for New Renewal /
Production Item
Calculator/Confidence: Improved sample size estimate for
likelihood ratio test of difference
Confidence: Added W...Dimension [d.o.f.] For Likelihood Ratio Method to menu
Confidence: Adjusted the Justified Likelihood Function (JLF) for
milder contour adjustment
Display of Suspensions: Improved for Gumbel, Normal
Method: Improved likelihood solution robustness for Gumbel and
Normal with suspensions
Test Requirements: Added option for test type ... time-based or
Test Requirements: Clarified menu options
Test Requirements: Improved test menu for Gumbel+ distribution
Test Requirements: Added option R...r ...
Ratio Estimate Of (Life Capability) / (Life Goal)
- 15 May 2010
Improved robustness for sending text to the clipboard
Menus: Increased width for language changes
File: Improved system finding of file location
Screen (About): Clarified lower button
Grid: Added option for Grid Line Size Lock in Label/Style selection and in menu
for plot line type selection
Fit line hide (points still visible) more robust
Likelihood Plot: Added Button for Change Type (View Location or Function
Input: Suspension entry more robust with respect to subsequent export
Improved mle solution for data sets with large
suspension quantities
Upper: Improved 3D Likelihood Plot for this distribution
Streamlined mle solution for data sets with
Added Batch Detection requirement for minimum 20 occurrences and 20 suspensions
Added Batch Detection direct link to View Additional Plot requested by Ronald Schop
Confidence limits on parameters added for beta-binomial confidence -- mean(lo,hi) not showing for regr
Clarified menu for type of suspensions in sample data sets
Clarified selection and display of which method (rr
or mle) used for solution
- 20 Jan 2010
Batch Processing: If brackets, [...], are omitted, software will
linger after analyzing data file
Data Cut/Copy: Improved speed and added an indication of progress
[for Marquart]
Data Import: No longer inserts zeroes automatically for spaces
Data Import: Warranty format input now allows blank entries (for
Font Select(Labels): Improved ease of font
Label Edit: Improved set label placement on plot immediately after
label edit finish
Random # Generator: Switched to Carl Tarum`s
Significant Figures: Improved for very large and very small
numbers [for Barringer]
Start-up (Information) Screen: Made existing icons active
(formerly only images)
Zoom Menu: Added selection R...Precise
Range For Linear Scale Zoom (does not round)
3D Likelihood Plot: Duplicated option in Plot/Report choices (also
in Precise Reading)
Batch Detection: Added to Mixture Analysis Options (requested by
Ronald Schop)
Calculator: Added choice for contour test to Set Comparison /
Difference Indication
Data Entry: More robust for single occurrence data sets
Dimensions: More robust for Monte Carlo simulation
Marker Line: Improved selection of line and limited quantity of
marker lines to 12
PFEV(Step): Set # displayed when entering step/stress sequence
Set Comparison: Improved analysis for very small data sets
Weibayes Menu: Added Weibayes Report selection to show Input and
Output of analysis
Ybath(TM) Activation: Clarified exit process at top of SSW program when Ybath is active
5.0BA - 10 Sep 2009
Source Code: Substituted all 3rd-party code with native Fulton Findings code
Results Tabs: Normalized placement of second tab for all resolutions
Input By Keyboard: Now asks whether to display point
label on plot for 1st-time entry
Wizard: Added Data Wizard button to data grid
Wizard: Improved user interface for point label edit
Wizard: Improved set label edit
Replaced slow moving programming language routines with fast Fulton Findings routines
Menu Items: Changed menu order to better agree with icon placement
Increased size of data grid icons when grid is full screen
Changed Spanish word for Print to Impression
Normalized mouse location metrics for more robust operation in all resolutions
Labels: Improved user interface for editing and displaying some or all of point
Reading on Plot: Improved number display
Menu: Total Production Sensitivity calculation improved
1-Click Automatic Fit: Improved identification of selected points by % input
1-Click Automatic Fit: Warning added when dimension change needed to add marker
Menu: Okay button (checkmark) now produces same as A...Activate
in menu
Improved robustness for interval-only data without much data-to-data
Edit Parameter Box: Removed option to show Mu and Sig on Plot for Weibull and
Improved label for line at new value(s)
Improved standard error calculation
Improved ease of entry for step-stress sequence
Improved plot of line fornew values(s) of engineering
Improved response to data change
Reading: Enabled reading of marker lines 2 and above especially for PFEV
Table and B-Value List: Improved display of values close to 1
Improved robustness of MC sample results storage
Requirements: Simplified menu, added notes, and clarified menu items
Requirements: Expanded possible range of values entered for B-Value % and
Requirements: Improved accuracy of calculation for non-Weibull test planning
5.0B - 28 May 2009
Added menu option for Total Production Sensitivity ... Estimate For Input Change
Removed menu option for Total Production Display ... now always displayed
Added Nameplate Production and Production Effectiveness to output
Improved robustness and organization of Special MonteCarlo
Special MonteCarlo (MPV-Type) now includes median results
Special MonteCarlo (MPV-Type) output options expanded
Load: Increased robustness for loading with small set quantity
Added Reduced Bias Adjustment Median+ (RBApb) from
Paul Barringer
RBApb for Beta: Adjusted C4 power from 3.5 to 3.52
per Paul Barringer MC Results
RBApb for Eta: Added C4 power of -0.217 per Paul
Barringer MC results
5.0AZ - 31 Mar 2009
Screen: Icon layout simplified and organized for more logical layout
Screen: Removed nuisance message occurring during resize
Added option buttons to selected menu choices
Color Select: Lock Change By File option added to
exclude color choices from data file
Plot point display options expanded to include display of points with specific point
Plot point display start lock improved
Improved Point Symbol Type entry with new icon on plot edit screen
Improved BPR automatic analysis
Added pve% (goodness of fit) for fit of selected points
Moved BPR icon to main screen and removed from Mixture section
Analysis expanded to 12 sets at a time (if no Nameplate analysis)
Added 1-Click analysis capability
Edit: Added symbol icon for edit of point symbols
Menu: Simplified and implemented numbers for activation selections
Distribution: Switched to more precise calculation routine from Carl Tarum
Removed indication of solution for 1 data value if no slope given
Added value display for vertical-scale cursor location during marker point
5.0AY - Intermediate Version for development
5.0AX - 15 Jan 2009
Access: Removed old-style file dialogue box
Distribution: Changed to more precise estimates programmed by Carl Tarum
Processing: Added BPR solution with -2_X_Y_Z inputs on command line and [Bx] outputs
Automatic solution for reliability point improved by solving at last crossing point
Color of BPR confidence line can be linked to data set color
Zoom: Added option to hide standard set labels, only showing line labels
Zoom: Added option to put all text analysis results simultaneously into clipboard
Grid: Switched to VB6 for programming and new MSFlexGrid
for grid object
Expanded marker line quantity to 24 maximum (minus
active data set quantity)
Improved display of fit line for suspension-only data set when common slope used
Planning: Added option for Sudden Death Test Time (% Of Full)
5.0AW - 6 Dec 2008
(g.o.f): Added column to plot parameter box when
using mle for fit & AD g.o.f
Added visibility of std. dev. in parameter box (but only when in BPR menu)
Added designation of parameter box location in BPR zoom menu
Default now is 8.3 of top points for nameplate line Option K fit
Default now is 25 for Beta for nameplate line Option K fit
5.0AV - 28 Nov 2008
Version: Added note on plot DEMO ONLY - DATA ALTERED
Expanded to eliminate nuisance Out Of Range message
Save: Simplified files access routines and especially automatic load of sample data
Added fit line thickness option for BPR Zoom
Removed reliability-from-confidence in Production Line options (already in
Change Point)
Added visibility of calculated reliability in parameter box (but only when in
BPR menu)
Maximum data set quantity on same plot increased to 12
Maximum marker line quantity is now compliment of data set quantity (up to 20)
Immediate update of analysis for standard PFEV when fit method is changed
Simplified the X-axis and Y-axis automatic numbering
5.0AU - 15 Nov 2008
Compatible with recent new revision of IEC-61649
Display: Reset default to Tooltips with Select Display
Risk: Changed nomenclature for upper / lower bounds in menu and output
Added % of upper data fit for production line
Added % of upper data fit for nameplate line
Added option to find reliability by intersection between data and production
line lower bound
Menu: Clarified options
Note added for changing to/from discoveries/intervals on automatic data
sequence change
Input: SSV Y-Axis no longer over-writes existing SSW label
% Affected (3P): Minimum allowable % affected (batch) based on highest
occurrence plot position
Representation: More robust for suspension display when 1st point is a suspension
Menu: Clarified options
Stress: Marker Line label clarified when B-Value parameter previously selected
for regular PFEV
Plotting Position: Removed extra adjustment for Bernards
approximation for a 1-point plot
Plotting Position: Removed extra adjustment for binomial method
Plotting Position: Improved location of supension
points (when shown) for frequency table input
5.0AT - 25 Aug 2008
Entry Box: Clarified function of selectable items
Picture: Menu item re-instated for switching negative-or-positive display of suspensions
Test (Fit): More robust for data sets with only suspensions
Test (Plot Line At New ... Value): Default engineering
variable is last entry
Initializes all X-Values to avoid nuisance misplot
due to previous use of different method
and CCC: No longer quantity-adjusted for Probit2 and Probit3, while
Kaplan-Meier still adjusted
Improved display for Abernethy Additional Estimates when RBA1 method is
Improved wording about single-load solution naturally giving lower slope than
multi-load data
5.0AS - 8 Aug 2008
Lock: Now includes Point Symbol Type
5.0AR - 25 Jul 2008
Plotting: Returned ability to evaluate suspensions for plotting of the actual data
Mode Processing: File name shown on plot if this setup option was previously chosen
Wizard: Changed E...Delete Special to E...Edit Special
Wizard: For E...Edit Special, Added T...Occurrence
Only Change To Suspension
Access Error Message: More details like ... FILE-NAME, PATH, EXPLANATION
Select: Improved icon click response
Display: Added option in HELP menu for Big Information Display (Big Letters)
Display: Added option in information menu for Big Information Display (Big
Display: When magnified also shows data grid selections
Name: Standardized on SuperSMITH(TM), officially registered name
Name: Changed acronyms to SSW (Weibull), SSV (Visual), and SSY (Ybath)
Format Import: Now allows blank cells in source data to represent zero occurrences
T...Point Side Symbol Display menu item changed to
Added menu item T...Suspension + Discovery ... Plot
Display = Yes / No
Menu item T... available to select for change even with no data
Risk: Enabled 0...None / Reset entry for Planned Suspension Expected
Risk: Table output for SSW plot coordinated with range selected
For Nameplate Line ... added input type I...Plot Point
Fit With Upper Data Point (simplified version of H)
For Nameplate Line ... added input type J...Plot Point
Fit With Additional Upper Point on Production Line
Message improved about method mismatch between lr
confidence and rr fit
Analysis: Improved presentation of comparison method [req. by Anthony Cerra,
Improved robustness for suspension data pasted from clipboard and method
changed from standard to interval-mle
Vertical Axis: Value-label zig-zag pattern (for readability) more stable
5.0AQ - 22 Mar 2008
Processing: The -L option (run, file-load, linger) was change to -h (hold)
Processing: The -yffffffff option (library item save
option) was changed to -Lffffffff
Processing: Added -1_E_X_Y option to create a marker line, E=Equations,
X=Location, Y=Scale
Processing: Added [zc], [zp],
and [zfxxxxxxxx] options for Precise Reading
Processing: The -xV option (V is some value) was
added for input of a horizontal axis value
Processing: The -yV option (V is some value) was
added for input of a vertical axis value
Reading: <Enter> returns to main menu now
Hide option (Yes / No) returns to main screen now
(Abernethy): Discovery and interval type probability also doubled for RBA
present risk
(Abernethy): Method expanded to handle data values significantly higher than median
5.0AP - 5 Mar 2008
Risk: Added Abernethy Additional Estimates for MTBF, RATE, AVAL, and T-vs-O
Changed MTTF to MTBF for Option Q...With Planned
(lr): Removed nuisance subscript out of bounds indication
Import: Made probit method more robust to single column data entry
Table: Automatically rounds up/down to closest significant figure
Changed name of option T...Anaysis
Distribution Equations to E...Distribution Equations
Solution: Option M...Method For Finding t0 ... mle result now more robust
Solution line can be automatic even if there are no occurrences
5.0A0 - Skipped This Version #
5.0AN - 25 Jan 2008
Name Box: Improved location and sizing for different screen resolutions
Carlo: Default random # seed changed to 3939889 (was 3979771) for wider default
(Microsoft) Operating System: Added more automatic help information
Processing: Added true report output format for Abernethy Risk and Optimum
Processing: Improved confidence estimation and distribution analysis
Y-Scale: Options to show fractions (Occur and Not Occur) instead of percent
Outside Interaction Correction: Added percent-type input
Production and Additional Usage / Test Time: Changed menu options A and B to C
and K
(Green Label): Re-instated regression solution option
(Green Label): Regression through a single-data occurrence point added
(Green Label): Added special regression solution (Y-vs-X)
(Green Label): Added pure mle solution option as well
as median mle solution
5.0AM - 23 Oct 2007
Line On Plot: Improved number display box locations to
avoid cursor on top of box
More robust for spaces in file names
<Student Version>: Reinstated Chi^2
Import: Added Stacked-type format ... X-Value Point-Quantity Suspension-Type
Wizard: Added Data Sorted By Point Label (for
Stacked-type Import)
Analysis <Student Version>: Reinstated
Clarified menu choices
<Student Version>: Removed K...Likelihood Ratio
Minimum from menu choices to simplify
<Student Version>: Reinstated pve% option for
Regression Fit Comparison + Display Type
<Student Version>: Reinstated pve% option for
Regression Fit Comparison + Display Type
Plan <Student Version>: Reinstated with 3 test items maximum and 1
allowable failure maximum
5.0AL - 5 Sep 2007
Processing: DEMO does not accept input data without altering
Processing: Activated -u option (version on results) by rearranging subroutine
call sequence
Processing: Added option -g to set Regression Fit Comparison + Display Type
(r^2, pve%, pA%)
Confidence selection saved in initialization file
Edit: Caution added about using underline character _ (reserved as delimiter)
mle: Removed intermittent refusal to convert for lognormal
Parameter: Partial % Affected robustness improved for change of method
Library: Clarified activation choices menu items
Library: Added 1...Instantaneous Item Save
Library: Removed activation choices menu choice N (n/s always saved with item
Library: Combined activation choices menu choices T and U into one choice T
Library: Added choice N...None ... Reset / Clear for
compatibility to other menus
Library: Added choice X...Exit for compatibility to
other menus
Library: Changed item save menu choice Z to choice N
for compatibility with other menus
5.0AK - 18 Aug 2007
Save: Extension .w added automatically to FF filenames
saved from WSW (if no extension specified)
Improved location of intersection points for large suspension quantity
5.0AJ - 7 Aug 2007
Usage/Production: Now can use comma or period for delimiter as appropriate
5.0AI - 26 Jun 2007
File Import: Improved import with commas and spaces
Processing: Can specify 3 parameter solution with 3 or 3AR after -e option on
command line
Processing: Can specify Weibayes analysis with -e option (method must be mle) with Beta input
Processing: Can specify modified mle method with
-m2(#) options ... # = 0, 1, 2, 3
Menu: Improved clarity and operation for MC trial size
Automated solution for early suspensions
No positive t-zero solution allowed if discoveries in data set
5.0AH - 21 May 2007
Processing: Added option -u to put version info on plot and report
Right mouse click returns to main screen
Removed additional shift for Gumbel+ fm method
Contour: Added B-Value vs. Beta capability
Discovery type data counted for RBA solution
Line: New option in menu (similar to Zoom item), Add Line By
Plot (Click + Drag)
Comparison: Added capability for probit pff-Value
Comparison: Improved user-inteface and clarified terminology
Changed terminology from Add-On-Plot to Add-By-Plot
5.0AG - 2 May 2007
(pv): Removed nuisance message about not enough data
when suspensions are present
Default is now 10 sets x 2400 entries to start
5.0AF - 1 May 2007
Extended the total loss calculations to grouped data format (probit, KM)
Grid Entry: Removed nuisance restriction blocking change from suspension to occurrence
Confidence(pv): Removed nuisance repeat of dimension limit statement
Contours: Added FF lr test difference indication to
plot title
Line: Changed terminology to this instead of Only Line
Point: Changed terminology to this instead of Special Point
Line Point Entry: Negative for Gumbel & Normal now okay even when negative
<> suspension
Risk (Now): Removed orginal method for calculation
... now only uses double failure effect
Library: Removed nuisance entry of -9.123E+32 upon cancel
(Equation Label): Removed rr capability for solution
for improved clarity in results
(Icon): Added menu item for putting line on plot upon activation
5.0AE - 12 Apr 2007
Sequence: Revised default color sequence for points/lines
Data: Improved data type recognition
Extended the loss calculations to grouped data format
5.0AD - 2 Apr 2007
To Clipboard: Removed nuisance notification that output did occur
(English): Replaced Buyer with Consumer
(English): Replaced Seller with Producer
Analysis reset option standardized to N...None ...
Reset (located just before X...Exit)
Log scale numbering expanded in highest scale
Dialogue Box Display: Removed nuisance reset upon activation
Test: Improved analysis for large suspension quantities
Moved A...Anderson Darling to D... Anderson Darling
Removed nuisance message for LR confidence on interval-mle
Improved smoothness of LR confidence for very small data sets
Results: Streamlined output for option F...Save
Parameter Only To Clipboard
for Probabilistic Miners Rule: Moved R...Reset to
Removed lock-out of standard data plot confidence bounds
Titles: Put Abernethy Risk first and then Quantity Expected
Requirement: Added Producer Risk and Consumer Risk to output
Requirement: Added Additional Item Test Time (per Julius Wang)
Requirement: Expanded and clarified display
Requirement: Swapped test requirement K and L choices to agree with handbook notation
Requirement: Added link to Life Remaining (from Calculator)
5.0AC - 3 Mar 2007
Improved handling of results for multiple data sets
Changed Probabilistic S/N Curve to Probabilistic Miners Rule
Analysis Type now defaults to Standard (was Former)
Analysis Type RBA option removed
5.0AB - 21 Feb 2007
Entry: Update to ensure correct entry of occurrences and suspensions
Update for better line plotting near lower left axes point
5.0AA - 15 Feb 2007
Added Likelihood Value Grid
Removed nuisance program stoppage at parameter input
5.0A - 6 Feb 2007
Line Input: Improved robustness with additional end-of-file check
New look for icons for better recognition
Zoom Select-On-Plot allows multiple resizing before returning to menu
Improved robustness of new lr solution calculation
for regression fit
Improved accuracy of standard PFEV confidence using LR
Implemented Carl Tarums updates to Dr. Bobs CCC model
Updates to Dr. Bobs CCC model verified by Paul Barringer
Implemented Carl Tarums updates to Wes Fultons pve model
Selection option for S/N scale orientation
Simplification/separation of menu options
Standard error for PFEV fit automatically shown in PFEV results
Step-Stress parameter confidence expanded and improved
Improved robustness of changing distributions
4.0WX - 14 Dec 2006
Moved icon back to main screen
4.0WW - 10 Dec 2006
Color Yes/No: Simplified choice from Plot/Report menu
Risk: Improved Next Expected Occurrence for RBA output
Type Display: Now using >< for interval symbol display
Type Display:Suspension
display okay now for inspect option 1
Save: Moved Weibull Library icon to main screen
Change: Removed nuisance file message and replot of additional analysis data
Replacement and Risk: Removed nuisance output display with numbers too far apart
4.0WV - 14 Oct 2006
Import: Improved consistency of Point Label input
Label: Added " _ Point Name" to data format description
Improved ease-of-use for selecting mle unbias method
Format: Added Year-Mo-Day format
Removed "Prediction" from Precise Reading section
Accerated Test (PFEV): Improved capability
for viewing B-Values on S/N Curves
Correlation: Improved normal/lognormal values for N = 3 to 30
Import: Improved robustness of data input especially for warranty data
Weibull Library selections now have drop-down options (from text files)
Monte Carlo Simulation: Added MPV capability for t0, r/LL, B-Value-1, B-Value-2
Display: Option for display of suspension and discovery data on plot
Display: Improved display of Interval-MLE data on plot
Prr Display: Improved consistency of display for set delete
pve Adjustment for W2P: New pve values
based upon latest research
Life Analysis: Added capability in Calculator section
4.0WU - 11 Jul 2006
Processing: Report B-value list now as selected by user (saved in .INI file)
Added Mixture Expected Occurrence Ratio to Interactions (Mode A vs. B)
Pivotal MC confidence can save parameters as well as r and LL
Random number start lock put in menu (not prompted each time)
Correlation: Improved values for Weibull 2-parameter for N = 3 to 30
Added Mixture Expected Occurrence Ratio to Interactions (Mode A vs. B)
Added capability for very large suspension quantities
4.0WT - 21 Jun 2006
Clarified selection menu for At Value
Default quantity for Calculator Y-Scale value set to actual quantity
4.0WS - 14 Jun 2006
Dialogue Box: Improved return to previous selection for <ESC> or Close
Dialogue Box: Clarified which entries not yet entered
4.0WR - 13 May 2006
Sort: Improved robustness for interval-mle type data
Change: Removed nuisance mle modified message for
normal distribution selection
Item Save: Clarified confidence output for parameters
Changed the default LRM to 50%
Clarified choices for normal distribution mle-modified
Improved robustness of automatic recalculation
Table: Improved display of data type
Monte Carlo: Removed restriction that sample distribution = analysis
4.0WP - 3 May 2006
Added analysis comment capability
Operation: Added save picture/report as bitmap file
Choices: Added option for same for all points and lines
Choices: Standardized and clarified color dialogue box
Added save picture as bitmap file
Menu: Simplified F... At Value data entry
Added Anderson-Darling goodness of fit
Special Monte Carlo simulation options added
Analysis: Added Anderson-Darling goodness of fit
Warranty data transform improved for warranty limit
Added Likelihood Ratio Minimum for Distribution Analysis
Added Anderson-Darling goodness of fit
Table: Improved output to display plotting position values for suspensions
Analysis: Improved robustness for production with planned replacement
4.0WN - 1 Mar 2006
Enhanced notice of altered input data
Removed input capability forvery old (Dos) format
Labels: Enhanced capability
Labels: Attached end of pointer line to plot grid value
Files: Added title names
Refined location of additional line on plot
Clarified method part of menu
Clarified input data type selection
Distributions: Negative value designation does not change if data present
Replacement: Added option to display lower cost output only for plot
Analysis: Made output more robust forall distributions
Version: Removed access to WSV for Risk and Plot/Report options
Usage: Refined output when no production is present
Weibayes: Clarified message fo ricon ... Not For Grouped Or Interval Data
Ybath Results in WSW: Improved display of log likelihood for mle solution
Scaling automatically includes single point datas
(even with no fit line)
4.0WM - 27 Nov 2005
Suspension Count: Improved consitency of calculation
Entry/Import: Automatic recognition of grouped data import (in FF format)
Entry/Import: Improved robustness of data acceptance
Reading: Improved consistency of high resolution
4.0WL - 11 Nov 2005
Entry/Import: Improved data quantity capability (esp. for micro-electronics)
Entry/Import: Added import capability for point labels
Export(Hardcopy/Softcopy): Easy row and column export
to clipboard
Wizard: Added point quantity merge (change multiple entries to frequency entry)
Input: Restore of Chr$(13) when depleted for small files
Selection Display: Icon borders get lighter when cursor moves over them
Follow-Box: Improved descriptions
Removed unnecessary options from menu display
Returns to menu after selection with display of choice
Does not double option for point quantities past maximum
Sample File Copy choice presented immediately after installation
Added X-Range and Y-Range Lock Start
Removed H... and L... options to consolidate to I... option
Improved probit confidence icon display
Import/Entry: Automatic option to change to interval-mle
or grouped data
Type Display: New option for o/s (occurrence quantity/suspension quantity)
Save: Clarified caution for saving loaded WSV file as WSW format
Removed different modified mle results for Mixture,
Distr. Analysis and Predict
Clarified naming for fit method choices
Reset standard rr fit to X-on-Y for Inspect Option #1
Line: Not deleted upon Weibull-2 to Weibull-3 change
Improved beta confidence display and output
Improved display of data and curve fit with WSV
Improved storage/retrieval of step-stress results
Improved robustness of step-stress results
Only line for untested value shows fit type
<ESC> key stops lengthy step-stress calculations
Added B-Value list and X-Value list outputs
Improved tolerance to large Eta values
Added import capability for variable usage/production rate
Improved automatic conversion of variable usage/production rate
Added Outside Interaction Correction Ratio for helpful/detrimental seasonal effects
Added I...Interaction (like in calculator)
Requirements: Added U...Usage Time to Demonstrated
Clarified confidence indication (WBm = Weibayes using modified mle, 0 = mle)
Weibayes: Removed "mle" from option title
Data Input: Warranty Limit for Input Ages (no failures/time after warranty)
4.0WK - 10 Mar 2005
Removed video launch button
Moved menu item A...File Name On Plot, to K...
Starting menu is general
X-Range + Y-Range Lock At Value improved
Mean to Eta conversion more tolerant to zero input
pv method more robust
mle: Solution for small data sets more robust
Return to predict menu from results upon <ESC> for only line
Added menu options D,U,V to allow appending library
items to output
Clarified lock for method, etc.
Automatic Conversion of Probit data to Interval mle
data improved
Added G...Fit Type For mle
Modified and removed dialogue box
Added J...Input Type Inspect Sample to Sample =
Difference or No Difference
Interval MLE - now can select with standard data
The n/s designation adjusted for Difference or No Difference in Grouped Data
Added RBA for forecast to address issue found by Paul Barringer
Added RBA1 for looking only at occurrence expectation
RBA adjustment now for both forecast and present
and Optimum Replacement: Improved response to <ENTER> key for menu
Activate or Exit in menus goes back to start of Setup
Total Report: Rank Table output limited to 300 points due to clipboard restrictions
Renamed "suspns" to "allptcount"
Automatic ranking for same-valued suspensions and occurrences more robust
Find-Optimum off response clarified
4.0WJ - 1 Oct 2004
Run: Clarified display for input suggestions
Wizard: Added point labels (especially for S/N info)
Added caution for saving of labels only
File Save: Now does not change default data file name
Replaced parenthesis with alternate punctuation for clarity
Added H...X-Range + Y-Range Lock Reset To Former
Test: Added Y...View XY Data + Function With WSV
Processing: Improved execution for -iX command
Changed BPR Zoom to special functions only with return to BPR
Precise reading on plot now returns to BPR
Added H...Start New Change Point List With Each Edit =
Vertical label defaults to Reliability
Made eta-to-mean calculation double precision for std. dev.
LR contour display more consistent after data change
LR contour save/view improved
Change: Added automatic conversion capability for probit-to-intv5(mle)
Analysis: Ybath activation changed ... added special menu
Replacement: Length-of-view and block-replacement saved with file
Y-on-X now standard for both Inspect Option#1 and Grouped
pve% display consistency enhanced
Data Sets: Clarified message about Weibayes and mle analysis
Added early, late, and internal type suspensions
Import: Default method is now Inspect Option #1
4.0WH - 7 Apr 2004
Added menu item for Save Contour/Simulation Data
Removed Save Contour/Simulation Data prompt for pv
and lr confidence
Improved contour robustness for probit lr method
Reading parameter select: Changed letters of basic options E,I,L
to Q,R,Z to avoid conflict
Nameplate colors same as Production colors for Same As
Data Set option
Label: Added 3-Parameter Weibull
Improved for high starting data values to avoid nuisance Beta < 0 message
4.0WG - 17 Mar 2004
Access: Improved tolerance for bad file name entry
Access: Improved input of former files
Import: Improved consistency of .PRN file import
Import: Improved robustness of Paste from clipboard
symbols: Improved consistency of symbol rendering on plot
message box: Improved response for <ENTER> key
Added capability to automatically load label file
Removed Point Symbol Automatic? prompt for Zoom reset
and PVE%: Improved accuracy for large data sets and Inspect Option 1 (W2P &
Increased suspension quantity allowed
Added lower/all-affected options for Wauben
suspension quantity adjustment
Library: Added memory for filename of single item save
Library: Added memory for titles of user-selected comment fields
Clarified sampling from mixture
100% suspension sample okay
Improved clarity of menu selections
Removed truncated message for pv (when low mc trial
quantity selected)
Analysis: Improved fit type display for file save/load
4.0WF - 25 Jan 2004
comparison: Improved consistency of results for all fit methods
4.0WE - 12 Jan 2004
Network file access improved for standard files
Added former file list to file drop-down and setup
Added get last .tmp results to former file list
probability plot: Added occurrence/suspension histogram
export: Alternative for saving data without x in format
analysis: Added term Wauben Modified to option Z
analysis: Set selection does not reset automatically for option Z
input: Automatic option to convert to interval-MLE
test: Improved accuracy and clarified rewording of output
Improved solution for Gumbel and lognormal
Improved repeatability for value scale changes
Improved sorting of duplicate values
requirement: Allowed confidence input less than 50%
test: Automatic label edit for added data set
Added lr confidence and contours for probit data
Added indication of completion % for lr and pv
Added MTTF calculator for renewal
labels: Multi-line automatic word wrap for longer note
on plot
4.0WD - 9 Nov 2003
Setup file copy: Removed additional dialog box
Set Comparison & Distribution Analysis: Improved ease of use for mle fit method
Quantity expected: Added the word, expected, to appropriate menu entries
Confidence: Improved pv confidence for mle fit method
4.0WC - 1 Nov 2003
Risk: Clarified change in forecast range effect on production/usage sequence
MLE-Interval: Improved solution for large numbers
Setup: Reinstated key-press for language/currency menu
Calculator: Added MTTF with renewal calculation (and inverse)
PVE%: Improved display for file input with Inspect Option #1
Sort: Robust system workaround to avoid register page fault for large data sets
Parameter box: Added option to change location
3-parameter: Added upper limit options
4.0WB - 20 Sep 2003
Files: Changed default output format to HTML
Files: Added data file format selection to Setup/File-Copy icon
Files: Moved open/get/import merge/no-merge selection to Setup/File-Copy icon
Files: Moved .tmp file retrieval to Setup/File-Copy
Probabilistic S/N curve: Improved accuracy and ease-of-use
Method/Input: Automatic conversion of point-by-point data to probit format
Demonstrate/Sample: Revised probit and KM sampling
Correlation: Revised probit and KM pve% calculation
Likelihood: Improved calculation accuracy for probit data
Confidence: Higher precision possible for pv/mc
Risk: Added option to adjust fit-line solution for suspension proportion effect
Risk: Revised designation of planned replacement (A) and (F)
Risk: Added percent affected to planned replacement
Risk: Usage rate and production rate past 5 years more robust
Risk: Clarified parameter and data set selections
Data wizard: Added swap with quantity for x-value and y-value transform
Hardcopy: Printing orientation change process clarified
4.0WA, 12 Jun 2003
BPR plot: Improved color consistency for plot labels and parameter info
3D Likelihood plot: Added Help message
Set comparison: Clarified output language
Demonstrate/Sample menu: Clarified language
4.0W, 19 May 2003
Display accuracy: Easier to set
Special points: Not shown for import with transform
Add line on plot: Slope value displayed during line selection
Plot labels: Clearer near plot borders
CDF calculation: Improved robustness in tails
Risk: Clipboard output more robust
4.0V, 28 May 2003
Step-Stress: Removal of limits for p variable
Automatic data order comment: Only started in setup
Zoom: Added entry/delete of special point on plot to D...add-data-point-on-plot
Weibull library: Added option to save library text line to clipboard
Risk: Mixture equations used when mixture analysis is active
Risk: Interval calculations improved for range > 60 months
Risk: Clipboard text output now only sequential
Risk: Clipboard text output for each month for range > 60 months
Risk: (<>) after parameter display indicates mismatch for data set
Risk: Improved results message for no suspension case
Risk: Added L...Start Lock For New Analysis
Risk: Added Z...Suspension Quantity For Analysis
Risk: Menu item A is now Activate, item D combines parameter and data select
Opt. repl.: Menu item A is now Activate, item D is
parameter select
Batch risk: Added present risk type, output range, and planned repl. type
Mixture: Allows higher percentage of points for first mechanism (90%)
Calculator: Allows beta > 1000 for eta/mean conversion and cv calc
Method: Easier transition from Insp1 to RBAmd
Point hide: Improved plot indication of method, confidence, fit, and data size
4.0UA, 19 Jan 2003
Step-Stress: Removal of limits for p variable
4.0U, 19 Jan 2003
Hardcopy/Softcopy: Improved printer orientation selection
Data-Import: Improved recognition of > and < in first lines
Data-Import: Improved recognitioin of data with first
row labeling
Program Label: Added additional access to Visual software
Step-Stress: Improved accuracy and robustness of solution
4.0T, 6 Dec 2002
Additional WSV plots: Improved interface for lines-only plots
Main screen: Different colors for WSW and WSV analysis labels
Zoom: Added Point-Sequence to Plot Symbol Type
Calculator: Increased upper limit of Beta to 1000 in mean-to-eta and eta-to-mean
Barringer process reliability: Improved entry and retrieval of change points
Risk: Added delay capability for start of new parameters for replacement parts
Risk: Improved usage of new parameters for replacement parts
4.0SD - 19 Sep 2002
Import: Allows top row with non-numeric information
Setup: Lock for color by set sequence (automatic) or by data / line
Setup: Start lock for data point hide (additional probability plot)
Help: Simplified access to Analysis Wizard (Flow Chart)
Help: Improved access to Contents page
Help: Clarified program organization with Icon Map - Software Tour
Zoom: Added interval mle calculation for partial %
Barringer process reliability: Choice for production line color to track data
Report: Added coefficient of variation (Cv%)
Calculator: Added coefficient of variation (Cv%)
Risk: Improved output for small data sets and small usage rate
Point-by-point vertical position: Added Blom and
Only line: Improved user-interface for line delete
Confidence: Added automatic point-by-point method select (single set only)
4.0SC (Not Distributed)
4.0SB, 13 Sep 2002
Setup: Added Weibull library icon
Color selection (Setup & Labels): Color by set sequence (automatic) or by
data / line
Setup: Added line hide default choice to Start Lock
4.0SA, 20 Aug 2002
Data grid: Improved data handling robustness for set delete
WeiBayes icon: Default confidence set to 50%
WeiBayes icon: Confidence level remains at last
choice for session
4.0S, 30 Jul 2002
Legend: Reinstated legend label to graph
Additional uncertainty: Choice linked to file contents upon retrieval
Confidence: Monte Carlo method robustness improved
Confidence: Likelihood ratio method for small values improved
Barringer Process Reliability(BPR): Removed fit line
unhide after probit fit on graph
BPR: Production line for each set (add/remove)
BPR: Nameplate line for each set (add/remove)
BPR: Reliability and change points for each set (add/remove)
BPR: Rank value item added to menu
BPR: Precise reading item added to menu
Zoom: Partial percent affected item for batch analysis added to menu
4.0R, 8 Jul 2002
Plot symbols: Added set sequence (1,2,3 . . . or A,B,C
. . . )
Test requirements: Improved report output options
Step load: Added limits for p variable
Step load: Improved solution convergence
File save: WIN/DOS icon reinstated for compatibility with older software
Point size: Added midsize and very large options
Barringer process reliability: Default to midsize points
Plot parameter display: r^2-ccc^2 agreement with report improved
PFEV: Added solution for same beta each set
Marker lines: Added capability for up to 10 marker lines
Regression correlation: Improved accuracy of calculation
Failure forecast output: Improved consistency
4.0PA, PB, PC - 14 Jun 2002
Improved existing capabilities with easier user interface
4.0P, 28 Feb 2002
Accelerated Test: Step-stress data analysis added
Accelerated Test: Improved storage of equations
Calculator: Poisson and Gamma expanded
Gumbel +/-: Reset for sample data
Confidence: Total (Additional) Uncertainty capability
Parameter Box: Items lined up
Probit: Confidence for Normal and Gumbel negative values improved
Risk: Added Q...Planned Suspensions
Risk: Improved/expanded time interval change interaction
Test Planning: Added Step-stress accelerated test sequence
Zoom: Fit Line Display Truncated (Yes/No) added
Zoom: Find intersection enhanced
Zoom: Added X-Scale Value Display (Minimum/Maximum)
4.0N, 15 Jan 2002
P-value estimate (pve%) added
Critical correlation coefficient (ccc) improved
pmle-value removed
Sample data loading improved
Vasan-Fulton former usage to test ratio simplified
4.0M, 1 Dec 2001
Fit function display improved
Warranty matrix conversion enhanced
Line only (marker line) from 2 points improved
4.0L, 1 Nov 2001
Plot display of r^2 improved
Warranty matrix conversion for Kaplan-Meier improved
4.0K, 3 Oct 2001
Redimension - improved indication for point quantity
> maximum
Plot label output for R-C display improved
4.0J, 15 Aug 2001
Data Wizard - added merge capability
Hardcopy/Softcopy - added EXPORT nomenclature
Export to clipboard - added parameter values
Batch processing - improved confidence
Confidence - fm confidence modification label more
4.0H, I - Intermediate versions
4.0G, 17 Jul 2001
Plot/Report Menu - added submenu for selection
Plot labels - added half character length for italics
Direct to main screen after first session
Data Wizard - improved response to total set question
Printing - improved plot output for note, labels and
Batch Operation - improved output especially to printer
Rank Table - shows `susp` for suspension instead of y-value
Report - display of 3-parameter p-value after pv
Allow save of suspensions only
Method/Input - Reset resets WeiBayes to Weibull
Risk - added G...Precise Decimal Display option
Removed duplication of set #2 parameters upon file loading
Method/Input - Minor rearrangement of menu plus icon separators
Risk - Added time value of money to cost display
Three-parameter - Improved on-graph edit
Test planning - added Acceptable Results Probability calculation
4.0F, 20 Mar 2001
Improved overwriting with new versions
Allow file type setting with -L on command line
Improved import with commas
Added system busy indicator for 3D plotting
Added description for set comparison output
Improved WeiBayes selection
Improved equation selection with label
Improved t0 interaction with equation label
Added full 3-parameter confidence for pv confidence
Added ability to save correlation values for pv
Improved 1-failure plotting position
4.0E, 1 Mar 2001
Persistent data with redimension
Reinitialize file name upon getting former results
DEMO to FULL memory enhanced
Added edit key function to large data grid
Improved 3D plotting
Exit from BPR defaults to BPR style plot
Improved Failure Forecast for planned replacement > char. value
Added Confidence menu and Method/Input menu
Equation label interaction improved especially for WeiBayes
with few failures
Hourglass indicator activated for 3D plot
4.0D, 12 Dec 2000
Added Italian language file
Added additional language file capability (general)
Removed property value 380 message
Improved HPGL interface
4.0C - 4 December 2000
Added exponential and Rayleigh choices to WeiBayes in
Improved additional set file input for set quantity > 5
Added transform for changing between grouped data methods
Improved message for no large data set pv confidence
Improved probability plot rank value entry
Added y-value column to probit/km rank table
4.0B - 29 November 2000
Deleted reference to WSV for marker line only display (no data)
Lengthened fit line for normal with small sigma
4.0A, 20 November 2000
Added extreme value distribution
Simplified confidence selection
Improved Accelerated Testing, PFEV, and Probabilistic S/N Curve
Improved Zoom icon
Improved data import
DEMO to FULL file copy capability
Changed name of PFEV to Accelerated Test
Pull-down menus enhanced
Y-axis label toggles between side-by-side and stacked
Risk confidence changed to Weibayes
Increased accuracy of normal approximation with Dick Petschauer
RBA now risk calculation by Dick Petschauer (w/ ideas
from Dr. Bob and Wes)
Improved report page numbering and WeiBayes text
Added consideration for outlier calculation with suspensions
Improved range lock input in zoom
Updated batch operation
Added security to DEMO-to-FULL code saved to disk
Hilighted risk confidence indication in red
Added Quantity to present risk display
Added addition/subtraction transform to data wizard
Added Vasan-Fulton former usage ratio to 3-parameter
Added different distribution for replacements to risk analysis
Added A...all, and F...expected only to planned
Changed to internal 3D likelihood presentation
Added nr confidence to lognormal (no suspensions)
Improved upper/lower confidence for parameters
Added Probability Plot (Y-Axis) Rank Value to calculator
Added quantity transform to data wizard
3.0Y, 6 Apr 2000 - Clarified suspension quantity input
Simplified R-C calculation for set quantity > 1
No file name display on plot after point edited
Additional 3-column import format (qty, F/S, time)
Risk usage and production rates now have 3-parameter (w/ t0) distribution
Risk with scheduled replacement improved for no renewal
Improved batch distribution analysis
Changed exponential equation choice to WeiBayes
Clarified exit from distribution analysis
Added x & y scale lock (zoom) for batch processing
3.0X, 29 Feb 2000 - Added Find-Intersect to Zoom menu
Added RBA factor for median results
Added R-C value display on graph
Expanded terms for fm Weibull confidence
Clarified import with commas
Clarified toggle choices
Distribution analysis returns to set choice
Added jump directly to Zoom menu from Barringer menu 3.0W, Clarified
Barringer Process Reliability (BPR) output
Removed nuisance message for mc & pv confidence
Improved lr and fm
confidence robustness
Improved data wizard handling of suspension changes
Reduced total report memory requirements
Improved B-value percentage selection
X-values rounded on X-axis
Vertical plotting position choice now saved
3.0V, 20 Oct 1999 - Total Report option added
Recalc for repeat selection of Normal equations
Reinstated sqr() back to sig1 and sigF1 calculation
New plot resets data grid to set 1 point 1
File name and software version on results capability
Data wizard transform (only x-axis)
PFEV plot labels can be edited
3.0U, 17 Aug 1999 - Reinstated Inspect Option #1 fitting
Improved reset of initial parameter values for Risk and Optimum Replacement
Increased accuracy of stored values for parameters
Added View additional probability plot - WSV output to clipboard to plot/report
Confidence contour output combines all contours into one file
Changed WeiBayes 50% confidence wording to No
Removed items B and C from BPR input menu
3.0T, 5 Aug 1999 - Improved Optimum Replacement and Risk input
Improved batch processing
Improved Distribution analysis output
Improved Mixture analysis output
3.0S, 17 July 1999 - Improved batch processing capability
Improved Barringer Process Reliability interface and added B.P.R to Mixture
Added Probabilistic S/N Curve to Parameter as Function of Engineering Variable
Added confidence capability to Abernethy Risk analysis
Added WinSMITH(TM) Visual plot of risk and optimum replacement results
Added prompt for changing distributions in Distribution Analysis
Improved agreement between HPGL output colors and standard colors on screen
Added data wizard functionality
3.0R, 17 June 1999 - Reinstated batch operation
Improved mc & pv confidence, sets # 2 and above
Inspect option #1 can now convert to/from mle method
Changed C4 estimate for N=1 from 0.5 to 0.6
Revised WeiBayes menu to show latest calculation
before menu entry
Revised WeiBayes default confidence to account for frequency
3.0P, 7 May 1999 - Clarified risk analysis input selections
Clarified test requirements input selections
Corrected Chi^2 array for d.o.f. of 20 and p of 5%
Rearranged subroutines for new programs
Reinstated predict option for only lines
3.0N, 22 Apr 1999 - Clarified risk analysis input selections
Clarified test requirements input selections
Revised and expanded Barringer reliability
Removed nuisance message for MLE routine (no failures)
3.0M, 27 Mar 1999 - YBath(TM) access from any path location
Improved convergence of MLE routine
Report shows page sequence indication
Added exponential to calculator menu
Improved data grid paging
Added point size selection in Barringer menu
Improved test planning initial slope value entry
3.0L, 16 Mar 1999 - Added capability for individual fit line display
Added Barringer Process Reliability calculation
Added Justified Likelihood Function (JLF) contour capability
Reset to standard method also resets regression axis
More tolerant to right mouse click when adding new sets/lines on graph
Beta < 0.07 triggers limits to plot lines vertically to maintain better fit
Large values of Eta put back into engineering notation
Improved L.A.N. unlocking of DEMO to FULL
Can now toggle display of <LOG> on x-axis for zoom on/off
3.0K, Added only line capability to Zoom/Hide
add line/set option
Improved Abernethy risk description in Help file
3.0H, 1999 Jan 04 - Improved array dimension capability for max. # of
marker lines
Added C4 computation routine
Risk analysis distribution entry for usage rate and production rate
1999 Feb 14 - Implemented RBA factor and improved c4 calculation
Output directly to printer fixed at Courier 12
Three parameter menu correctly shows t0 solution method choice
Added caution note for distribution analysis w/ < 20 occurrences
Report output to clipboard can be ASCII output or graphics output
Added text note capability on plot
Added reset to standard selection for method / data input icon
3.0G, 1998 Dec 03 - Added precise reading on plot capability in
prediction menu
Added set-/-line-on-plot capability with cursor position indicators in zoom
Added set-/-line-on-plot point quantity and precise / random type in zoom menu
Added enter-point-on-plot capability to zoom menu
The word FROZEN replaced with the word LOCK in zoom menu
Reorganized code so that only 2 of 19 files are custom (others are common)
Improved robustness of interval mle calculation
Removed the word EQUIVALENT from set comparison results
Easier output for set comparison results
3.0F, 1998 Nov 13 - Improved multi-variable capability PFEV analysis
Added Sica-Luko correction in Test Requirement
section for sudden death testing
Improved arrangement of hardcopy/softcopy menus
3.0E, 1998 Nov 1 - Added graphic Delete/Cut/Copy capability to Zoom
Added plot side symbol display to Zoom menu
Previous results mini-graphs can now be re-clicked to recall data
Message box now details options for mini-graph recall
Extended data grid for hi-res display
Added sum type for random point interaction
Improved mixture analysis for normal and lognormal data
Streamlined likelihood evaluation for normal and lognormal analysis
Increased precision of risk analysis output
3.0D, 1998 Oct 1 - Extended icon tool bar side-to-side for high
mixture report p-value display sequence same as set comparison
3.0C, 1998 Sep 14 - Changed Svensk language
to Svenska in Program
Changed PFEV solution for common slope to weighted geometric mean
Added mle solution for probit and Kaplan-Meier
3.0B, 1998 Sep 5 - Compatible with WinSMITH(TM) Visual 3.0B
Added Espanol language capability
Added Svensk language capability
3.0A, 1998 Sep 1- New DEMO to FULL unlock password coding
Individual limits on decimal significance (in Setup) now for general, life, and
Set comparison only for sets not hidden (with Zoom)
Improved large sample accuracy for critical correlation coefficient (ccc)
Added third parameter to demonstrate/sample simulation
Ensured that report parameter low and high confidence display follows set
2.1B, 98/7/9 - Clarified production rate and usage rate variable input
for risk
Added significant figure control to B-Values and X-Values displayed on plot
2.1A, 98/6/30 - Expanded display of now risk value
Added set label edit capability to the data grid
Added warranty length (mos) and warranty length
(x-units) limits to risk
Added planned replacement to risk
Added variable usage rate and variable production rate to risk (seasonal)
Added password accessibility to convert DEMO to FULL version
Added mean (occurrence sum) to report and predict sections
2.0Z, 98/5/30 - Added Windows Printer (HI-RES) hardcopy output option
Renamed standard bitmap output to Windows Printer (WYSIWYG)
Added line = minimize/maximize to Zoom menu for plot line thickness
Improved labeling on HPGL hardcopy output
Added Additional File Path for improved access to additional FF programs
Improved risk output accuracy for Kaplan-Meier method
Added Normal nr confidence method and removed nc confidence
Clarified set comparison output by putting FF p-value first and biased mle second
Also improved terminology of set comparison output with Equivalent Confidence
2.0Y, 98/4/21 - Compatible with WinSMITH
Visual 2.0Y
2.0X, 98/4/14 - Added more detailed explanation of batch capability
removed nuisance message for very large data sets
2.0W, 98/3/30 - Added limit correction option to warranty data
2.0V, 98/3/24 - Reinstated okay button for calculator
Improved HPGL output
Improved correlation and distribution analysis for data quantity = 2
2.0U, 98/3/12 - Removed OK button from calculator and
Improved fault tolerance of font selection
Revised terminology on plot to "r^2-ccc^2" for critical correlation display
Allow only line negative values for "-=<0" selected for normal
2.0T, 98/2/10 - Font Selection and Color Selection added for
plot output
German translation added
Added improved icon information choices (+ tooltips, +none)
Significant figures selection added to setup/language/decimal section
Added three dimensional plot capability for likelihood
Test requirements clarified
Added capability for suspension simulation with precise sample selected
Improved binomial calculator capability
3D log likelihood plotting added
2.0S, 98/1/12 - Enhanced compability with YBath(TM)
Demo capability
File list update improved
Conservative p-value (pff) used on graph for WinSMITH(TM)
2.0R, 97/12/02
Added tabs on active results window for switching between plot and report
Clarified report and predict options for mixture analysis
Updated YBath(TM) icon to icon from Bathtub Software (TM)
Modified file save format to include WSV parameters
2.0P, 97/11/21 - Improved maximum lognormal likelihood function
2.0N, 97/11/17 - Display of r^2 label on plot now not only when Ybath activated
Display of n/s clarified to indicate current data instead of latest mixed mode
Ybath correlation changed to r^2
2.0M, 97/11/10 - YBath(TM) mixture compatibility
The t0 (third parameter) solution can use either rr
or mle method (rr default)
BiWeibull enhancement in for mixture analysis
Access to AVI video files provided
Both Beta (sig, sigF) and eta (mu, muAL) solutions for param. = F(engr.
Option to lock the start sequence for mc/pv
confidence to get repeatability
Exponential lock for Weibull (beta = 1)
Added eta-to-mean into calculator section
2.0L, Prototype for version 2.0M
2.0K, 1997/9/30 - Added risk capability for interval mle
Added mean-to-eta into calculator section
Set comparison now displays likelihood values
French translation file added
2.0J, 1997/8/28 - Decimal operation for FF data files improved
Monte Carlo Pivotal (pv) confidence method
2.0H, 1997/8/2 - Decimal operation improved
Gamma function convergence improved
Dauser shift capability added
Monte Carlo (mc) confidence method added
Time gage and <ESC> key exit added to probabilistic analysis
Label placement stabilized
P-Value correlation added with mc confidence
Point symbol automatic/big/small added
2.0G, 1997/7/9 - Import capability improved
Imbedded data sets
2.0F, 1997/7/7 - Import capability expanded:
warranty data import and analysis (inspect or Kaplan-Meier)
column data can be X-value, Occurrence Quantity, Suspension Quantity
column data can be X-value, Occurrence Quantity, Sample Size
column data can be multiple sets
import can be either from clipboard or from ASCII file
improved data display for probit/km when changing methods
Parameter As Function Of Engineering Variable . . . allows
common slope or not, rank regression or mle solution
of common slope, easy save of XY data and function data
Batch processing improved
Language capability improved
Test/ binomial increased accuracy (esp. 95% cum/conf.)
Risk/Optimum-Replacement plotting easier
2.0E, 1997/3/31 - Log Likelihood values for predict/precise readings
Distribution analysis uses maximum likelihood (mle)
techniques for mle method
Report shows maximum log likelihood values
2.0D, 1997/3/26 - Added double precision to PFEV section
2.0C, 1997/3/20 - Reorganization of data grid display especially for
probit and KM
2.0B, 1997/3/15 - Interval maximum likelihood capability
expanded and improved
File list update immediately upon change
Highlighted command button selected with <ENTER> key
Optimum replacement steady state failure rate, replacement rate and MTBF added
Optimum replacement highlighted in table with red color
Added start lock feature to preselect equations and method upon startup
Added confidence limits on mean value in report
Initialization file common with other software
(2.0B data grid needed reorg. - all purchased 2.0B replaced w/ 2.0C)
2.0A, 1997/2/25 - Language and currency selection added
Regional decimal symbol recognition added
Point-by-point interval analysis with mle method
(first easy-access implementation)
1.1R, 96/12/23 - Text file input more robust
Clipboard input more robust (notifies user if too big)
1.1P, 96/12/4 - Added interactive curve label pointer line
SigF <= 1 not allowed for lognormal only line
Curve label position more stable
1.1N, 96/11/25 - Moved negative data value definition from setup to
Added set selection buttons in WeiBayes, Distribution
analysis & Single set confidence
1.1M, 96/11/15 - Likelihood ratio confidence plot display more robust
Added 1/Beta power to WeiBayes lower confidence with
Clarified parameter-as-function-of-engineering-variable
Added Windows printer & clipboard buttons to first hardcopy/softcopy menu
Can now automatically annotate curve label for prediction output
1.1L, 96/11/7 - Import of ASCII file data more robust
Parameter as function of engineering variable clarified and more robust
1.1K, 96/10/25 - Added mean rank, binomial, and Nelson`s plot rank
Added safeguards for selecting fit method for probit data input
Grid line edit improved for Normal distribution
Method/Data-input terminology and codes (displayed on plot) clarified
Added non-integer expected value for poisson
Added confidence lock (remembers confidence configuration)
Improved file input from BW
Improved import of ASCII file without skipping
Added parameter as function of engineering variable (accelerated
Improved robustness of likelihood ratio confidence
Now shows plot=on/off, report=on/off and table=on/off for clarity
Changed wording of B-value selection to a specific reference...select B-values
Added built-in word wrap for printer object (not done by Windows) to avoid
Added .HGL to wording for saving FF picture file to
assist in file name selection
1.1J, 96/9/25 - Added access to Windows Calculator
Added factor to test-length terminology in test requirements
r now not forced to 1.0 while finding best t0 with frequency table entry for
point quantity above 2 (1.1G,1.1H and 1.1I affected, all purchased copies
1.1I, 96/9/15 - Added more batch capability (probit 3-column text file
Added risk analysis for probit and Kaplan-Meier (KM) data
Changed cut/paste format to make more general
Changed terminology of input format for probit and KM to Grouped instead of
1.1H, 96/9/3, Added partial distribution (tail-comparison) to strength-load
interaction, etc.
Reorganized button display for confidence and
eliminated OK button in places
Removed possibility for flicker for fast video or high
resolution video
Removed possibility for same software to appear in Additional (+...)
Histogram from file entry clarified
Added more detailed batch capability
1.1G, 96/8/12 - Added next expected occurrence to Risk
Graphics to Clipboard sequence time can be added to accomodate
system speed
Removed any possible sources of flicker for mouse moves (except dragging)
Added selection to label/style section to choose grid lines
Clarified n/s in results for frequency table entry
Point-quantity-2 adjustment to r so that r always = 1 for quantity 2
1.1F, 96/8/7 - Report setting of b-values separated from selecting
Added Strength-Load Interaction and Life-Usage Interaction to
1.1E, 96/7/31 - Retrieval of file after using FF Additional button
1.1D, 96/7/19 - Display accomodates Win95
status bar at bottom of screen
Improved input for risk option to ease use of WeiBayes
on data sets
Command line specifies configuration paths (.INI), and temp (.TMP) files
Random point comparison for 2 different distributions (convolution,
Okay button now activates viewing for Optimum Replacement and Risk results
1.1C, Can find best t0 now with maximum
likelihood method
Filename display updates immediately after saving file
Image object used for opening screen (instead of picture object)
Highlight in grid more stable with size changes
Only line # 2 can be turned off individually
Zoom improved below 10% occurrence
None button added to text input box
Plot parameter style input improved
1.1B, Probit and Kaplan-Meier confidence at any level
Prompt to confirm exit upon <ESC> from main screen
Now checks whether file save is to existing file
Title box appears in label edit for keyboard data entry
Reset data grid evaluation to restore entry past point #2 for 1 set dimensions
Chi-squared...degrees of freedom=6...%=90...changed 1.064 to 10.64
Can now enter negative mu for normal distribution Risk/Optimum-Replacement
Time gage and <ESC> enabled for all confidence methods
Better terminology for probit and Kaplan-Meier selections
Paste from external spreadsheet ignores commas in number format
Added double column ASCII output to distribution analysis
Batch capability expanded
Recalc for entry of all DOS format data files
<F> and <1-F> occurrence display linked to zoom frozen entry
All dialogue boxes now fully translatable
Cannot inadvertently unload disclaimer screen
Risk/Optimum-Replacement defaults to set #1 data and set#1 parameters
1.1A, Binomial confidence capability added back
Very large quantity of failures and suspensions allowed in WeiBayes
Reporting improved:
hardcopy/firmcopy/softcopy added for all analyses
X-value readouts added for plot parameter box (like B-values option)
Data list to ASCII file can be sequential or in column format
Added common dialogue box for printer activation and printer selection
Changed default button on opening screen to exit button
Added prompt to save unstored active results if any
before exiting
Added button on main screen to access other Fulton Findings programs
1.0J, 3/25/96 - Added Undo function for data grid edit
Added Wayne Nelson`s WeiBayes confidence
with failures
Allow larger numbers in frequency table
Changed Delete to Clear for New...Reset
Clarified number of sample sets entry
Risk and Optimum Replacement file output now in order sequence
Sample to file no longer ordered for non-interval data
Menu entries highlighted (and shown in message box if message box is big)
Additional checking of correct integer values for grid properties
1.0I, 3/13/96 - Pull-down menu structure improved
Bias terminology for mle clarified
1.0H, 3/12/96 - Batch access with filename after program .exe name
Reinstated robust plot calculation
Automatic plot title for ASCII import
Pull-down menu structure
Only line selection of fit line captures method (rr/mle)
1.0G, Added dimension doubler in Setup for more point
Added set labels in data grid
Results from last session (not reset) are easily retreived
in Data/Get from file
Extra grid column available by scrolling (if within dimensions) for easier set
Changed wording from % FF to % with FF in Calculator/set-compare
Message for Weibull/Lognormal distribution analysis when negative = <0
Clarified distribution analysis wording (removed optimum for 3 parameter
Added underline in risk/optimum-replacement to clarify grouping of results
1.0F, Automatic tracking of correlation coefficient for set deletion
Filenames for results activation changed to prevent duplication
Added R...reset to previous results menu
1.0E, Improved t0 find best routine for values close to maximum
Reduced extra space in hardcopy/softcopy
Correlation values cleared upon entry of DOS file
Moved plot output color on/off from hardcopy/softcopy to plot/report/table
1.0D, Dashed box does not move in menus
1.0C, Added a word for mle (Lower Bias)
Improved risk interval display table
Improved interval Demo/Sample
1.0B, Improved data edit when entry started below first cell
1.0A, First Windows-based version of both WinSMITH(TM) Weibull and WinSMITH Visual software bundled into the SuperSMITH(TM) package.
>>> For SS Visual 5.0 and
(for SSY, Scroll down further):
SuperSMITH 5.0 YBath(TM) and Earlier
SuperSMITH Visual Revisions:
- 23 Dec 2021 (File Version
'Consistent with SSW revisions
- 28 Oct 2021 (File Version
with SSW revisions
- 04 May 2021 (File Version
Y-AXIS: Transposing for Side-By-Side label senses all colors in font
- 12 Oct 2020 (File Version
with SSW revisions
-25 May 2020 (File Version
Choices: Expanded/Improved selection
- Skipped
-06 Apr 2020 (File Version
of Language Files
- 30 Mar 2020 (File Version
Solution: Now handles up to 32000 degrees of freedom, esp. for Abernethy Risk
(R. Schop)
Program: Added SuperSMITH(R) Dice access
- 20 Jan 2020 (File Version
Setup Delay: Removed beginning delay for printer access
- 07 Oct 2019 (File Version
Point Quantity Merge: Changed logic for better use of absolute value (A. Jochimczyk)
- 21 Jan 2019 (File Version
with changes in other SuperSMITH(TM) software
- Skipped for disambiguation
- 24 Aug 2018 (File Version
with changes in other SuperSMITH(TM) software
- 05 JUN 2018 (File Version
Menus: Matched cursor with highlight
Menus: Replaced checkboxes with asterisks for future larger formatting
Mouse-Button: De-activated exit question
Entry Box: Increased size in preparation for new bigger icons, etc.
- 7 APR 2018 (File Version
Screen: Improved language translation
Added "Paste" icon for DEMO to FULL Special Name input
Removed Change From Full To DEMO
Results: Added unique file names to avoid filename "collision"
Added new words for About / Opening screen
-- 03 MAR 2018 (File Version
Added "H...Gaussian (Normal)" option
Changed subroutines starting "wpgage", etc.
to "ParamBoxSSW_P", etc.
Identification on Plot: Added to on-plot zoom capability (per T. Marquart)
Added plotting indication in header for large slow-loading data sets
version: idemodatareal% changed to idemodatachange%
version: Data altering includes input Y-Values
Checking: Added to routines accessed with Form2.Picture1 (the plot)
Results: Assigned top of image as first location of main results
Added "Home" to translatable words
Save Parameter Only To Clipboard enhanced to add
Marker Line values
Save Parameter Only To Clipboard added to Visual for
Crow/AMSAA values
-- 07 AUG 2017 (File Version
from text to value: Improved robustness for very large number entry
Clarified entries for French and German
Fixed issue with disappearing point sequence #'s in data grid
Removed some "compound" words, & replaced with individual words
Points: Improved retention of points in file
Data Import: Clarified menu choices for input format
/ Transform: Improved XL (X Last) and YL (Y Last) usage
-- 21 APR 2017 (File Version
Box: Changed background color of "Yes, I agree..." section to yellow
to match
Label: Turned off for results display
Processing: Improved translation for Abernethy Risk output
Words: Added "Execution" (Performance) and to associated LANGFILES
Explicit: All code now invokes Option Explicit
Label Edit: Removed label selection issue with extra labels selected
Number Display: For #'s between 0.1 and 1.0, reduced to 4 sig figures (was 7)
Box: Clarified messages
Clarified menu items F and H
Hide set feature enhanced to add all yes or all no selections
Graph: Removed bar borders for high density plot improving display
-- 09 FEB 2017 (File Version
width: increased width of menu due to truncated display on some machines
Entry: Clarified increment description
Slider: Now interfaces with Big Inforation Display
text box
Chart: Improved bar color and label alignment for set quantity above 20
-- 06 JAN 2017 (File Version
Import: Data quantity set to zero (deleted) when input quantity is zero (per
Alfred Jochimczyk)
Point Addition: Removed nuisance appearance of first point during addition
Log-Scale numbering improved for more appropriate display (per Ron Gaddy)
Parameter Box: 'Removed phantom print of previous values (per Ron Gaddy)
Parameter Box: 'Added item to menu for edit of MTBF/RATE display (per Ron
-- 24 OCT 2016 (File Version
Option Boxes: Removed possibility of lingering images upon plot selection
Menu: Added menu item for Change DEMO to FULL
- 11 SEP 2016 (File Version
'FileName: Eliminated possibility of change of default data
filename to function filename
- 15 JUL 2016 (File Version
Save: Restriction added to prevent Visual overwriting Weibull file
Save: Restriction added to prevent Weibull overwriting Visual file
Menu: Added icon in HELP group for About
Menu: Consolidated menu items from 7 to 4 compatible with icon quantity
Translation: Created separate module for language options (SMITH_5L.BAS)
Translation: Created Function-fs_LangLogic(smessage) in SMITH_5L.BAS
Edit Buttons: Enlarged and consolidated for easier touch operation
Icon on Large Plot: Added to improve accessibility
Sets: Undo available immediately after merge
Sets: Point labels retained
Display: Improved display on plot and report
Added Label/Style Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Added Output/Export Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Added Okay/Exit Icon on large plot to improve accessibility
Display of Suspensions and Discoveries expanded to include on bottom scale
Improved H... Hide/Display of points
Icon: Changed image to reflect more modern laptop computer
Menu: Added item "W...Display Options ... On Big
Library: Defaults to file name different than data file
Menu: Changed "G..." item to "W...Display
Options ... On Big Plot"
Added size-changing box to indicate zoom
Crow-AMSAA sample triggers C-A solution automatically (C. Tarum)
Changed minimum quantity of points in data set to 1000
--26 JAN 2016 (File Version
Buttons: Enlarged for easier touch operation
Grid: Midsize button enlarged for easier touch operation
Results: Expanded from 4 maximum to 20 maximum
Results: Removed plot title from file name for retrieval
Menu: Changed "L...Information Display (Big /
Small)" to item "K..."
Menu: Added item K, "Information Display (Big / Small)"
Exit Button: Updated display of button name for mouse
Enlarged Icons for Output Display Choice On Big Plot
-- 14 DEC 2015
Library: Changed menu item letter for "Clear Clipboard"
-- 3 DEC 2015
Change: Sub chkdecimal moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to
Change: Sub fylprodrateout moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to
Change: Sub fylprodrateout1 moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to SMITH_4A.BAS
Change: Sub fylusagerateout moved from SMITH_1A.BAS
Change: Sub fylusagerateout1 moved from SMITH_1A.BAS to SMITH_4A.BAS
Check: Changed so that "\\" on the front of a path is okay
Layout: Removed option for old icon layout in Setup section
Above Tabs: Added for clarity
'Mouse Wheel: Capability added for data grid and
number input box (by Carl Tarum)
Icon: Added to large plot display
nuisance display of the word "Select"
Added "Histogram From 2-Axis" to convert curves to histograms
--- 2 MAY 2015
Resolution: Changed obvious screen resolution variables to LONG type
Calc: Changed calculation variables to LONG type
Precision to Single: Mitigated VB6 Csng() hang issue for value 2
- 17 APR 2015
Display: Removed error display issue with number display format
Disconnected X-Value zoom from Y-Value zoom (per D. Keisic)
Added icon for X-Range + Y-Range Lock on regular large plot display (per D. Keisic)
Menu: Added option to display Zoom icon added above (Yes/No)
Menu: Added icon for X-Range + Y-Range Lock
- 26 Mar 2015
Menus: Exit now restarts originating menu to re-display option boxes
Display Menu: Added option for Label Pointer Line Maximuize
Box: # display agrees better with requested accuracy (per A. Jochimczyk)
Tabs: Enhanced Display
Clarified Plot/Report icon and tab cursor-movement messages
Plot: Removed nuisance array overrun for maximum set points
- 19 Jan 2015
grid: Removed grid moving when button-menu selected
Box: Improved number display (Alfred Jochimczyk)
- 09 Dec 2014
Layout: Moved HELP... and ADDITIONAL... icons left to match SSY
Color: Changed to match SSY
Added "Slide-Select" for improved touch-screen
Labels: Contour plot no longer changes lowercase "x" to uppercase
Menu: Changed "Automatic Reset" menu item to "Automatic Total Reset"
Menu: Added icon for "Automatic Total Reset"
Menu / Add Data On Plot: <Esc> or (X) returns
immediately to Zoom menu
Over Results Box: Enlarged vertically + added highlight for active selection
Restored "X" box on plot for exit for menu options "C" and
changes compatible with SSW'Other changes compatible
with SSW
- 14 May 2014
Carlo Confidence: Consolidated trial quantity input between SSW and SSV
Carlo Seeds: Converted to 4 seed numbers and re-activated seed setting
'Monte Carlo Confidence for Crow/AMSAA: Confidence menu allows
trial quantity input
- 25 Mar 2014
Edit: Added icon on plot for Label / Style edit
Results: Added capability to overlay with Active Results
- 20 Jan 2014
with SSW changes
- 02 JAN 2014
Process: Added alternative Crow/AMSAA output formats (per Vicky Peralta)
'Chi-squanred routine: Nuisance iteration messages removed
- 04 Dec 2013
with SSW changes
- Skipped for clarity in version numbering
- 04 Nov 2013
Improved growth significance message in report (per Clint Grafelman)
- 03 Sep 2013
with SSW changes
- 22 July 2013
with SSW changes
- 10 Jun 2013
Access: Can input '.W' or '.V' file without extension
- 23 Feb 2013
YBath compatibility
- 22 Feb 2013
file changes
- 22 Jan 2013
Compatible with Weibull 5.0CB
Can enter own acronym for expected occurrence interval (for Larry Tyson)
- 30 Nov 2012
Data Order Caution: Moved menu item from Start Lock Options to Setup Menu
PROCESSING: Reinstated -zX1_X2_Y1_Y2 zoom set functionality
with SSW
- 20 Sep 2012
Label Edit: Removed possibility for "Label 0" edit
- 13 Sep 2012
Changed name from "Default" to "Default English [American]"
Label Characters: ",", "X", and space " " are now
decoded from temporary file save
Menu: Added menu option "G..." function to menu option
"F..." (Removed option "G")
Added label edit option to hide MTBF/RATE in parameter box (per Schop)
- 5 MAY 2012
File: New comprehensive HELP released for 5.0BX version
File: Changed name of "Flow Chart" to "Best Practices Guide"
File: Easier SSW and SSV access to Best Practices Guide (Analysis Wizard - Flow
Risk: Reinstated ability to choose pre-set usage rate options (D, H, M, Y)
Added point label option to view point as point value
instead of symbol
- 21 Apr 2012
Added chi2choose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Added chi2CDFchoose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Added chi2DOFchoose subroutine to select between Chi-Squared methods
Input: Improved automatic report analysis of multiple data sets
'Former Results: Green checkmark now activates
5.0BW - 7 Apr 2012
'Data Import: Improved import of text files
5.0BV - 15 Mar 2012
'API: Eliminated only API call ... per Carl Tarum
'File Save: Added filename to data in file (helps with Former
Results) ... fylflpnamelasts$, fylflnamelasts$
'Main Screen: Improved transition from Maximized to Normal
'Zoom: Added arrow buttons for X-Range And Y-Range Lock: Select On Plot (requested by T. Marquart)
'Zoom: Added reset-to-automatic button for X-Range And Y-Range
Lock: Select On Plot
'Additional Probability Plot: Changed automatic range to reduce
range closer to data
5.0BU - 23 Dec 2011
'Consistent with SSW changes
5.0BT - 13 Dec 2011
'Function Save: Changed default filename to avoid conflict with
data filenames
'Function Code For Curve Fit: Improved
for POWER fit
5.0BS - Skipped
5.0BR - 30 Nov 2011
'Function Save: Changed default filename to avoid conflict with
data filenames
'Function Code For Curve Fit: Improved
for POWER fit
5.0BQ - 25 Oct 2011
'Consistent with SSW changes
5.0BP - 15 Oct 2011
'Consistent with SSW changes
5.0BN - 1 Jun 2011
'Consistent with SSW changes
5.0BM - 28 Jun 2011
'Softcopy Total Report (and standard Report): Tab lineup improved
'Data Grid: Improved Data Wizard selection range
5.0BL - 1 Jun 2011
'Zoom/Point Symbol Display: Added 'Slow Point Display' option to menu
'Crow/AMSAA: Removed nuisance error message with MC Confidence for
grouped data
5.0BK - Intermediate version - not generally released
5.0BJ - Intermediate version - not generally released
5.0BI - 22 Jan 2011
Label Edit: Label-only filename saved to configuration file
Plot: Point colors can now be assigned according to point label
Plot: Point symbol rendering adjusted for stronger outlines
Plot / Report / Table Tabs: Added A...Activate
Plot (or Report) to menu
Warranty: Expanded alternate orientations (MOP-MIS, MIS-MOP,
Warranty: Improved import of data with blanks
C/A Forecast: Expanded to allow one item being replaced within
interval (Motorola Mexico)
5.0BH - 15 Nov 2010
Label File: Separated from retention of data file name
Plot/Report/Table menu: Clarified options
Quality Limit Comparison: Now has option for cPk
as well as PPM
Report Tab (top of results box): Now accesses Plot/Report/Table menu
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Removed nuisance reversion to Abernethy
Risk menu
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Coordinated all variable sequence input menus
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Improved correlation between different
output ranges (check 18WHEELR-AR6.W)
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Added capability to display fit line
corresponding to new fit line parameters
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Added time to next event to output display
Crow/AMSAA menu: Removed item W...Hide
Confidence / Instantaneous Line ...
Zoom: Line Add allows temporary vertical marker lines for
5.0BG - 9 Oct 2010
DEMO: Input data alteration magnified
DEMO: Only one program needs to unlocked for
all to be unlocked
Data Grid: Synchronized display of selected data points
before/after screen re-size
Menus: Highlighted selected menu option box choices with capital
Precise Reading: Expanded capability to read from marker lines
Crow/AMSAA Fit Menu: Expanded input data types (D...Input...)
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Expanded capability to be similar to Abernethy Risk
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Changed name to Fulton Risk
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Moved menu item K...Back
To Crow/AMSAA ... to Y...Back To Crow/AMSAA
Crow/AMSAA Fulton Risk: Changed menu item N...Item
Quantity Expected ... to N...Present Item Quantity ...
File Import: Auxiliary plot capability expanded to accomodate more marker lines
5.0BF - 2 Aug 2010
Zoom: Added a menu selection for X-Axis value standard scientific
format (1E+6) or (1000000)
Zoom: Moved items (Suspension + Discovery ..., Plot Side Symbol
...) to Point Symbol Display menu
Label/Style Edit: Added Line Edit Icon (Next To
Symbol Edit Icon)
- 10 Jul 2010
Curves now smooth for auxiliary plots (LR Contours, Abernethy Risk, &
Optimum Replacement)
Name Reset: Auto program launch resets filename
5.0BD - 7 Jun 2010
Labels: Improved high-resolution aspect ratio of label boxes for
first file load
Menus: Removed appearance of selection boxes after selection is
Zoom: Made X-scale changes easier to implement
- 15 May 2010
Improved robustness for sending text to the clipboard
Menus: Increased width for language changes
File: Improved system finding of file location
Screen (About): Clarified lower button
Grid: Added option for Grid Line Size Lock in Label/Style selection and in menu
for plot line type selection
Fit line hide (points still visible) more robust
Eliminated double precision overflow for mle calculations
- 20 Jan 2010
Batch Processing: If brackets, [...], are omitted, software will
linger after analyzing data file
Data Cut/Copy: Improved speed and added an indication of progress
[for Marquart]
Data Import: No longer inserts zeroes automatically for spaces
Data Import: Warranty format input now allows blank entries (for
Font Select(Labels): Improved ease of
font change
Label Edit: Improved set label placement on plot immediately after
label edit finish
Random # Generator: Switched to Carl Tarum's
Significant Figures: Improved for very large and very small
numbers [for Barringer]
Start-up (Information) Screen: Made existing icons active
(formerly only images)
Zoom Menu: Added selection R...Precise
Range For Linear Scale Zoom (does not round)
C/A Report: Improved robustness with respect to very small lambda
Data Import: Added choice for 1-column input to come in as
5.0BA - 10 Sep 2009
Source Code: Substituted all 3rd-party code with native Fulton Findings code
Results Tabs: Normalized placement of second tab for all resolutions
Input By Keyboard: Now asks whether to display point
label on plot for 1st-time entry
Wizard: Added Data Wizard button to data grid
Wizard: Improved user interface for point label edit
Wizard: Improved set label edit
Replaced slow moving programming language routines with fast Fulton Findings routines
Menu Items: Changed menu order to better agree with icon placement
Increased size of data grid icons when grid is full screen
Changed Spanish word for Print to Impression
Normalized mouse location metrics for more robust operation in all resolutions
Labels: Improved user interface for editing and displaying some or all of point
Reading on Plot: Improved number display
Hide: Made same as set hide if Crow/AMSAA fit not active
Added marker lines up to maximum of 24 for total of data sets, results, and
marker lines
5.0B - 28 May 2009
Increased robustness of axis range selection when all plot data is hidden
5.0AZ - 31 Mar 2009
Screen: Icon layout simplified and organized for more logical layout
Screen: Removed nuisance message occurring during resize
Added option buttons to selected menu choices
Color Select: Lock Change By File option added to
exclude color choices from data file
Plot point display options expanded to include display of points with specific
point labels
Plot point display start lock improved
Improved Point Symbol Type entry with new icon on plot edit screen
Increased capacity for individual data sets to 24 on same plot
5.0AY - Intermediate Version for development
5.0AX - 15 Jan 2009
Access: Removed old-style file dialogue box
Distribution: Changed to more precise estimates programmed by Carl Tarum
5.0AW - 6 Dec 2008: Consistent with SSV 5.0AW
5.0AV - 28 Nov 2008
Version: Added note on plot DEMO ONLY - DATA ALTERED
Expanded to eliminate nuisance Out Of Range message
Save: Simplified files access routines and especially automatic load of sample data
Plot (CDF, PDF, etc.): Improved robustness especially for mixtures
Simplified the X-axis and Y-axis automatic numbering
5.0AU - 15 Nov 2008
Compatible with recent new revision of IEC-61649
Display: Reset default to Tooltips with Select Display
Weibull mixture non-linear fit line used for Set #2 instead of 2P fit
Y-Scale range lock restored
5.0AT - 25 Aug 2008
Entry Box: Clarified function of selectable items
Picture: Menu item re-instated for switching negative-or-positive display of suspensions
Goodness of Fit for grouped data switched to p-value indication based upon Chi^2
5.0AS - 8 Aug 2008
Lock: Now includes Point Symbol Type
Revised negative suspension representation to positive to arrange data in
X-Value order
5.0AR - 25 Jul 2008
Plotting: Returned ability to evaluate suspensions for plotting of the actual data
Mode Processing: File name shown on plot if this setup option was previously chosen
Wizard: Changed E...Delete Special to E...Edit Special
Wizard: For E...Edit Special, Added T...Occurrence
Only Change To Suspension
Access Error Message: More details like ... FILE-NAME, PATH, EXPLANATION
Select: Improved icon click response
Display: Added option in HELP menu for Big Information Display (Big Letters)
Display: Added option in information menu for Big Information Display (Big
Display: When magnified also shows data grid selections
Name: Standardized on SuperSMITH(TM), officially registered name
Name: Changed acronyms to SSW (Weibull), SSV (Visual), and SSY (Ybath)
Format Import: Now allows blank cells in source data to represent zero occurrences
T...Point Side Symbol Display menu item changed to
Added menu item T...Suspension + Discovery ... Plot
Display = Yes / No
Menu item T... available to select for change even with no data
Added more information to caution about no change between data point axis-values
For Monte Carlo Sample ... added Start Point and End Point options
Goodness of fit for certain data (grouped + point-by-point-end-at-occurrence)
switched to p-value per Chi^2
IEC solution is more tolerant to attempted analysis with only two points
Message about set labels possibly changing with different analysis only
displays once
Precise reading set selection now includes parameter values for the fit line
Precise reading now reads anywhere along the fit line or instantaneous line
using function
Report now includes forecast for next 1-10 plus 20, 50 and 100
Report clarified with respect to r^2 and ccc^2 and r^2-ccc^2
& Nelson RE: Message about turning off C/A (or RE) analysis changed to
options (turn-off or not)
RE: Improved robustness of data import when column quantity is unknown
RE: Improved analysis of data import when equipment ID is unknown
Grid line thickness now not automatically changed when accessing C/A
5.0AQ - 22 Mar 2008
Processing: The -L option (run, file-load, linger) was change to -h (hold)
Processing: The -yffffffff option (library item save
option) was changed to -Lffffffff
Processing: Added [zc], [zp],
and [zfxxxxxxxx] options for Precise Reading
Processing: The -xV option (V is some value) was
added for input of a horizontal axis value
Processing: The -yV option (V is some value) was
added for input of a vertical axis value
Reading: <Enter> returns to main menu now
Hide option (Yes / No) returns to main screen now
RE: Software is now more robust for data entry by hand or by copy/paste
RE: Data entry clarified for default info box (shown when RE icon clicked with
no data)
5.0AP - 5 Mar 2008
Confidence: Input now more like WSW input
MC Confidence: More robust for data deletion and change of method
MC Confidence: Option to decide left-right orientation or right-left
orientation or automatic
IEC Fit Method: Locked-out possibility of error by using point-by-point
equations on grouped data
Fit: Correlation now reflects fit with respect to fit line and not just linear
trend of data
5.0A0 - Skipped This Version #
5.0AN - 25 Jan 2008
Name Box: Improved location and sizing for different screen resolutions
Carlo: Default random # seed changed to 3939889 (was 3979771) for wider default
(Microsoft) Operating System: Added more automatic help information
Confidence: Added pivotal (pv) Monte Carlo method
Confidence: Clarified menu option for confidence level
Confidence: Improved calculation of confidence lines around fit line,
especially for IEC
Confidence: Horizontal variability for point-by-point data added
Random Sample: Improved Monte Carlo variate generation
5.0AM - 23 Oct 2007
Line On Plot: Improved number display box locations to
avoid cursor on top of box
More robust for spaces in file names
Fit: Made b display more robust to values beyond 300 orders of magnitude
Processing: Now more robust for spaces in file names
Added interpolate button on side of report for data and fit line
RE: Simplified data description box on plot (removed Data#)
RE: Terminology in data description changed to Item-Quantity Event-Quantity
RE: The - symbol is used on the RE plot for upper and lower confidence limits
RE: Y-scale value length agrees with significant digit selection
RE: Default plot representation is points, but can be changed to step-function
Option for suspension plotting as negative vertically extended to all
suspension displays
Type: Clarified choices [Power Fit Linear, Exponential Fit Linear]
5.0AL - 5 Sep 2007